Community Service

Watertown High School students are required to participate in 36 hours of community service in order to graduate (but feel free to volunteer more!). Forms can be found outside of Mrs. Hoffman's door (room 257) and in the Guidance Office. These forms must be filled out, signed by the student and the agency, and returned to Mrs. Hoffman in order to be approved. For information on the community service requirement and what qualifies, click here.

Watertown has many agencies looking for volunteers. Some of these agencies have had WHS volunteers in the past:

American Cancer Society Relay for Life

Armenian Library and Museum of America

Brigham House

Charles River Watershed Association

The Family Dinner Project

Miller Tracy Foundation

Mount Auburn Hospital

Perkins School for the Blind

Waltham Fields Community Farm

Watertown Boys and Girls Club

Watertown Children's Theater

Wayside Youth & Family Support Network/Wayside Youth Coalition

Check out Give Back Time for local volunteer opportunities.