Spanish American War


TIMELINE: Spanish American War Chronology

  TIMELINE: Spanish-American War

CHART: Key Events & Battles 

  MAPS: Spanish American War 

  PRIMARY SOURCES: Action Reports & First Hand Accounts

  PRIMARY SOURCE: The Teller & Platt Amendments 

  POLITICAL CARTOONS: The Spanish-American War

**** The Spanish American War Centennial Website!

The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War Home Page - Introduction 

  Crucible of Empire - PBS Online 

   Events -- Spanish-American War  

  Spanish American War 

The War with Spain 

   Biographies of Important People 


  Remember the Maine

  The Spanish American War - One American's View 

  The Spanish American War - One Spaniard's View 

  American Foreign Policy in the Late 19th Century: Philosophical Underpinnings 


  Average Soldier, Women in the Spanish American War, Uniforms, & Medals of the War 

  Relative Monetary Costs of American Wars

     U. S. Navy & Spanish Fleets 

   Weapons  & Military Units

  Medicine in the War & Yellow Fever and Spanish-American War

THE WAR IN Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico, & Actions in Hawaii and Guam 

  Black, White and Yellow Journalism and Correspondents of the War

  Yellow Journalism and the Spanish/American War

   Music of the War Era

  The Home Front

Theodore Roosevelt his Ethic and The Battle of San Juan Hill

  Rough Riding Links!! 

Rough Riders 

     William McKinley and the Spanish-American War 

  The Difficulties in the Formation of V Corps for the Spanish-American War

New York Public Library Online Exhibition of the Spanish American War

The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures - alternate site


    Last Surviving Veterans of the Spanish American War

PRIMARY DOCUMENT: Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain 

  The Motion Picture Camera Goes to War  


OUTLINE: Economic Reasons for Imperialism  


   U.S. Diplomatic History - On the Road to Empire   

  U.S. History - Early Imperialism 

  BBC - History: Empire and Seapower

  Reasons for Empire   

  Ideological Reasons for Empire  

  Strategic Reasons for Empire  

  Political Reasons for Empire   

  Creating the Empire   

  Managing the Empire 1899-1909   

  Explorations: Becoming a World Power  

  Building the Military Forces of a World Power, 1899-1917  

  Resources - Nationalism, Industrialism, Imperialism  

   The Age of Imperialism  

  America as Imperial Power and International Beacon - great site on Imperialism from the 19th century into the 20th century. 

Anti-Imperialism in the United States, 1898-1935  

  Platform of the Anti-Imperialist League  

Imperialism Resources  

  The Policemen of the World 

Imperialists and Anti-Imperialists: The Roots of American Non-Intervention Movement 

  American Imperialism in the Philippines  

  A Splendid Little War  

  The History Guy: Philippine American War  


  Voices of Imperialism and War - The Philippine-American War (1899-1902)  

  Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden  

"The White Man's Burden" and Its Critics 

Colonialism and Imperialism Resource  

Imperialism is Easy - John Dewey 

  Sen. Albert J. Beveridge on American Imperialism, 1900  

American Foreign Policy in the Late 19th Century: Philosophical Underpinnings  

  America & Imperialism 

  Imperialism Lecture Guide  

  All Empires - Age of Imperialism  

  America & Imperialism  

  Progressivism, Imperialism, & World War I   

  Emperor Norton - self declared Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. Joshua Norton was an eccentric who was much loved by the people of San Francisco. More than 30,000 attended his funeral.