City of Shoreline
Auxiliary Communications Service
Amateur Radio Team
Affiliated with the City of Shoreline and the Shoreline Fire Department
Primary Repeater 442.825+ (103.5 PL)Secondary Repeater 440.300+ (103.5 PL)1.25m Repeater 224.020- (103.5 PL)Simplex 145.770 (103.5PL)Winlink RMS Packet Node: W7AUX-10 on 145.050 MHzWinlink RMS VARA Node: W7AUX-11 on 145.650 MHzShoreline EOC Winlink Address: W7AUXShoreline Fire/EM Comm Van Winlink Address: W7AUX-9
Useful Links
Shoreline ACS Calendar of Events
City of Shoreline Emergency Management
Northshore Emergency Mgt - NEMCo
King County Office of Emergency Management
Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN)
Snohomish County Emergency Radio System (SERS)
Mike & Key Club Amateur Radio License Testing Amateur Radio Classes and License Testing
Edmonds-Woodway Amateur Radio Club
Communications Academy Training Archive
About Us
The Shoreline Auxiliary Communications Service team was formed in 1995 to support Fire District 4 and the Shoreline Fire Department. We have since grown in size and in responsibilities: We now support the City of Shoreline's Emergency Operations Center and the Shoreline Police Department, in addition to the Fire Department. Our team, consisting of about 35 volunteer amateur radio operators, trains to provide emergency communications in the event of disasters, since normal communication methods can quickly become overloaded during such an event, if they survive at all.
Our purpose is to augment or replace those avenues, as needed, until normal communications can be restored. ACS team members are able to work independently to provide damage assessment, health and welfare reports or support relief agencies both within and outside of the disaster area. The team also provides communications support for public service events such as road races, parades and local fairs.
Visitors are always welcome at our monthly meeting, which takes place from 1000 - 1200 on the second Saturday of each month at the Shoreline Fire Department Headquarters Station, 17525 Aurora Ave N. (To avoid conflict with the Mike & Key Puyallup swap meet, our March meeting is usually on the third Saturday.)
Want to join the Shoreline Auxiliary Communications Service? Here are the requirements.
Please download these documents and policies.
Access to the Members Section requires a account. Send us a message for access.
If you still have questions, send us a message.
Notes about our weekly net
We have an on-the-air meeting - a net - each Monday evening on the Primary Shoreline repeater on 442.825 (+5 MHz, PL 103.5) at 1930 local time for the purpose of training, conducting team business and testing personal equipment. This net is typically an information type net and conducted in a formal manner. That means all check-ins, traffic and information is coordinated through the Net Control Station. There are times when you may have the opportunity to be Net Control. Although, as with most nets, we have a standard format and preamble to follow, these are not needed in order to conduct a successful session. Being Net Control is just that - you are in control of the net. Run the net in whatever way makes you comfortable. As long as you get all the stations checked in and handle any required announcements or requests for information, it is a successful net. It is important that all members have an opportunity to be Net Control for the Monday night net; it is good training for controlling a net during an emergency.
The Shoreline ACS Team
To donate to Shoreline ACS, you can do so securely through our PayPal link