What is Blended Learning?

I am super excited to once again incorporate Blended Learning as part of our First Grade curriculum.  This will be our 6th year doing this in our classrooms and the students loved it. Blended Learning is a new approach to teaching that mixes technology with traditional face-to-face instruction.  Blended learning allows students to work at their own level and pace.

This year your child will have the opportunity to use personalized online learning tools during portions of their reading instruction time.  Students will be trained to use the Lexia software program using our classroom Chrome Books. They will work on lessons that are leveled based on their needs.  In addition to the personalized online instruction, Blended Learning will allow me to work with your child one on one throughout the day and week.  This will help me to get to know your child better in order to give them the best instruction possible.  Our Blended Learning time will run much like center time. Students will rotate through Lexia, time with me, and independent work. 

Throughout the year I will send home reports to let you know how your child is growing and progressing.  You can use these reports to talk to your child about the hard work he/she is doing on the computers every day.  We want your child to understand that their hard work pays off!  We will celebrate your child's hard work daily, weekly, and monthly! Your child will receive certificates as he/she completes a level in our program and works towards meeting our classroom goals.  In addition, if your child is having trouble with a concept, the Lexia software will provide additional resources that you can use to help your child at home.  

Our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade classes also use Lexia, so this program will allow your child to continue to grow.