
                                        Kindergarten #2

                                           Mrs. Naples

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Kindergarten at Visitation BVM School! This is a new and exciting time for you and your child. By working together, we can make it a happy experience.

Here are a few reminders about Kindergarten:

Please have your child wear their name tag for the first two weeks of school. If there are ever any changes to their transportation, please write a note.

Your child’s snack and lunch need to be in two separate sturdy containers with his or her name on the outside. Please remember to send in a spoon or fork if needed and a drink.

Please mark all of your child’s possessions with his or her full name.

When sending money for any reason, please put it in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and what it is for.

If you would like to send in a treat for your child’s birthday, we will be celebrating each one. Summer birthdays can pick a special date or can choose their 1/2 birthday. Birthday snacks will be given during the student's lunch. No cupcakes, cakes, or ice cream treats. Birthday snacks must be individually prepackaged. No homemade items. If your child has a food allergy, please send in snacks your child may have as an alternative to the birthday snack. I will be happy to store them in the classroom for future use.

Homework folders  should be returned each day. Homework and notes should be placed here also. Homework will go home Monday thru Thursday. There may be times when homework is sent home on the weekend. This sometimes occurs during shortened weeks. Remember to check your child’s folder each night.

Scholastic Book Club – If you would like to order books, please write out a check to the scholastic club and return to school in an envelope. For your convenience, you may also order online. Please see my teacher’s website for the order code.

We are always in need of paper towels, plastic spoons/forks, baby wipes, tissues, napkins  and Clorox wipes for the tables. If each child could bring in one of each, it would be greatly appreciated. Tables are cleaned several times throughout the day. We also would appreciate donations of large and small ziploc bags, straws, paper plates and small prizes for the prize box. 

For those students who are on extended vacations,  work will be made up upon arrival with parental assistance.

When your child is absent for any reason, a note from you, stating the reason must be brought to school upon your child’s return. Missed work, due to illness, will be made up when your child is feeling better.

If your child is going home a different way than usual, please let me know by note of the change. It is our school policy that if I don’t receive a note from the parents that the child is to go home their regular way. A verbal message from the child is not sufficient.

Progress reports will be given out at the end of the first, second, and third trimester. Tests will go home in progress folders.

Due the week of September 5th :

Please send in an art smock for your child. An old t- shirt would be fine if it fits over their school uniform. Please have your child’s smock in a ziploc bag with their name clearly labeled on the bag.

Please send in $1.00 for your child’s  coat bag.

Please send in headphones in a ziploc bag with your child’s name on the bag.

If you ever have a concern about your child, please write me a note, send me an email, or leave a message on my voicemail. Extension 326.

Kindergarten should be the most wonderful year a child can have. I am looking forward to working with you to make it so.


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