
The core of my research program is the use of optimization to design new methods for data analysis.  I also work in areas applying these methods to data, and in other areas of applied optimization.  Application areas include human microbiome research, modeling of bacterial metabolism, public sector operations, scheduling, manufacturing, and inventory management.

Selected Publications

Publication List on Google Scholar

R Package

pcaL1: L1-Norm PCA Methods.  S Jot, JP Brooks, A Visentin, YW Park, Y-H Zhou.

PCA Tutorial

R Code to Accompany “Principal Component Analysis and Optimization: A Tutorial,” RA Reris, JP Brooks, Operations Research & Computing: Algorithms & Software for Analytics. B Borchers, JP Brooks, LA McLay, editors14th INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS2015), Richmond, Virginia, January 2015.

Editorial Activities

Area Editor, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Applications in Biology, Medicine, & Healthcare.

Operations Research & Computing: Algorithms & Software for AnalyticsB Borchers, JP Brooks, LA McLay, editors.  14th INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS2015).

Selected Grants

Professional Societies