2022-2023 Sophomore English

English II

This course is designed to provide students an exposure to literature and writing strategies. Students should expect reading, class discussions, reading check tests, journals, and various writing assignments. Outside reading and homework should be expected.


Work is due at the beginning of class, unless otherwise noted as directed from the Google Classroom and Turnitin.com. As we are in a three-hour block, the expectation is that assigned work will be completed during in-session time. However, if a student is not utilizing time well and/or is absent, work may need to be completed at home.

Final drafts of essays or reports must be typed, unless other arrangements are made. Final drafts for writing assignments will not be accepted without evidence of the writing process (pre-writing, rough drafts, revisions, etc). Writing your own material is mandatory; plagiarism will be penalized in accordance with VHS policy. Most writing assignments will also require submission to www.turnitin.com for plagiarism and grammar check. The target percentage for cited material is less than 35%. If you do not meet these standards, your work may be returned to be redone, graded as is, or not accepted at all.


No late papers will be accepted. Technological issues are not considered valid grounds for late assignment submission. If you must be absent on a day that work is due; either turn it in early, email me a copy (linda.fuller@valesd.org), or make sure to submit in the Google Classroom.

Virtual Learning Guidelines

  • Students are expected to be active participants during each Zoom session.

  • Students are expected to have their camera on for interaction. Students will be muted upon entry and will remain so until further directed.

  • Students should be appropriately dressed, use appropriate language, and attend class in a good learning environment (no slouching in bed).

  • An absence to a Zoom class session does not allow for extra time to complete an assignment. These due dates will be provided in the Google Classroom and Turnitin.com.

Grade Categories

The letter grade is awarded by

A: 100-90%, B: 89-80%, C: 79-70%, D: 69-60%, F: 59%