578A - Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics -- Fall 2013

MW 1:00-2:20pm, PAB B109

Instructor: Silas Beane

Room PAB B457, Phone 206-543-3256

email: silas@uw.edu

Office hours: TBD

Homework:  once per week

Grading: C/NC


Subject Matter:

1. Large-N methods

   (a) Gross-Neveu model

   (b) Large-Nc limit of QCD

   (c) Large-Nc phenomenology: mesons and glueballs

   (d) Skyrme model of baryons

   (e) Large-Nc phenomenology: baryons and nuclei

   (f) 't Hooft model

   (g) Large-Nc master field

2. Introduction to low-x physics

   (a) DIS and the parton model

   (b) DGLAP evolution

   (c) High-energy scattering

   (d) BFKL equation

   (e) Parton saturation

Useful References for Large N:

Aspects of Symmetry, Sydney Coleman

Large N QCD, Aneesh Manohar

Phenomenology of Large-N QCD, Richard Lebed

Dynamics of the Standard Model,  Donoghue, Golowich and Holstein

Large N Baryons, Elizabeth Jenkins

The Skyrme Model, Zahed and Brown

Models of the Nucleon, Rajat Bhaduri

Useful References for Low-x:

Quantum Chromodynamics at High Energy, Kovchegov and Levin

An Introduction to Spin-dependent Deep Inelastic Scattering, Aneesh Manohar

Spin, Twist and Hadron Structure in Deep Inelastic Processes, Robert Jaffe

The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume II, Steven Weinberg

An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Peskin and Schroeder