Information about PHYS 323 exams

There will be three exams, each of 80 minutes duration. These exams are on Thursday April 19 (9am-1020am), Thursday May 17 (9am-1020am), and Thursday May 31 (9am-1020am). Each of these three exams will be in Rm A118 of the Phys/Astr Building (A-wing). All exams are closed book. You will be provided an equation-sheet containing all relevant formulae. You may use a (pocket) calculator, but computers or other programmable devices are not allowed for these exams. There will be no make-up exams. You may return an exam for regrading within one week after it was distributed, but you must attach a brief statement explaining the possible error in the original grading.

Equation sheet for exam 1

Sample exam 1  soln

Equation sheet for exam 2

Sample exam 2  soln

Equation sheet for exam 3

Sample exam 3  soln