Atmospheric Escape

The online version of this lab below is in the form of a canvas quiz though I can see running this in a variety of different ways online (group discussion based, short answer, etc). I recommend running this with an accompanying discussion forum so the students can discuss with their peers the activity, questions and workout problems together as they would in an in-person lab. You and your TAs can monitor the forum and jump in to help, if necessary.


The ability of a planet to retain or hold an atmosphere depends predominantly on two factors: Temperature and Gravity. The temperature of a planet is important because it is really just a measure of how fast, on average, the molecules of gas in the atmosphere are moving. The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules are moving. The gravity of a planet is important because it determines the escape velocity of a planet. Any object with a velocity greater than the escape velocity will escape the gravitational pull of the planet. Please note, the calculations in this quiz will not appear on the midterm exam. You are however responsible for understanding the concepts, in particular how temperature and pressure dictate which molecules are found and their retention in an atmosphere.


You will use the following data tables and equations to compute the escape velocity, mass and temperatures of planets given various atmospheric molecules to answer the questions.

The gravity of a planet is determined by its mass and radius. A planet with a stronger gravitational pull will have a higher escape velocity. Table 1 above lists the escape velocities and distances for a few worlds in our solar system.

The temperature of a planet is determined mainly by its distance from the Sun. Table 2 below shows the temperature a planet would have at various distances from the Sun.

The speed of a molecule of gas in an atmosphere depends on its temperature and on its mass. A heavier molecule moves slower than a light molecule at the same temperature. The mass of a molecule is measured in atomic mass units (amu). You can find the periodic table in Wikipedia where you can look up the atomic mass of different elements which molecules are comprised of. The mass of each element is given as the number at the bottom of each box. To find the mass of a molecule, just add up the masses of each element times the number of each element in the molecule which is given by the subscripts. A few molecules and their masses are given in Table 3 below.

The speed of a molecule of gas (in m/s) can be determined from the equation:

v g a s = 157 ( T e m p e r a t u r e m o l e c u l a r m a s s )

A “rule of thumb” in planetary science is that a planet can hold onto a gas for the age of the solar system if the velocity of the gas is less than one sixth the escape velocity of the planet:

v g a s < 1 6 v e s c

For example, the escape velocity of earth is 11,200 m/s. To calculate the speed molecules have to reach to achieve Earth's escape velocity we write

v g a s = 1 6 × 11 , 200 m s = 1 , 867 m s

which means the Earth can hold onto any gas with a speed less than 1,867 m/s. Any molecule moving faster than this speed will lost to space relatively quickly.

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Question 1

What is the velocity in m/s of a hydrogen molecule in the atmosphere of a planet at 1 AU?

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Question 2

1/6th the escape velocity of the Earth is 1,867 m/s. Considering your answer to question #1, can the Earth hold onto an atmosphere of hydrogen?

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I don't have enough information.

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Question 3

What is the velocity in m/s of a nitrogen molecule in the atmosphere of a planet at 1 AU?

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Question 4

1/6th the escape velocity of the Earth is 1,867 m/s. Considering your answer to question #3, can the Earth hold onto an atmosphere of nitrogen?

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I don't have enough information.

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Question 5

Calculate how far (distance in AU) the Moon would have to be from the Sun before it would be cool enough to retain a nitrogen atmosphere. Enter your numerical answer (round to the closest whole number) in the space provided.

Hint: set both vgas equations equal to each other and solve for the missing variable.

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Question 6

Which gasses from Table 3 could Mars retain?

Hint: set both vgas equations equal to each other and solve for the missing variable.

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2 pts

All of the molecules on the table.

All of the molecules except for hydrogen.

All of the molecules except for hydrogen and methane.

Mars can only retain carbon dioxide.

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Question 7

Which gasses from Table 3 could Ceres retain?

Hint: set both vgas equations equal to each other and solve for the missing variable.

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All of the molecules on the table.

None of the molecules on the table.

Ceres can only retain carbon dioxide.

Ceres can only retain nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

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Question 8

Jupiter currently orbits the Sun at 5 AU. Could Jupiter retain an atmosphere of hydrogen molecules if you could magically move Jupiter to 0.5 AU from the Sun?

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I don't have enough information.

Yes but only if it were slightly more massive.