Hubble's Law

These labs all depend on the clickable images of galaxies and their spectra, here,

Galaxies for the Hubble Law

There are three versions:

  • *_long: takes several class sessions for students to complete

  • *_short: shortened so it can be completed in a single class session

  • *_excel: shortened like above, but includes instructions for using Excel to help with calculations.


The lab was originally designed by Luis Mendoza and Bruce Margon with lots of technical support from Eric Deutsch, Toby Smith, and Brooke Skelton, as well as present and past members of the University of Washington Astronomy Department.

The galaxy spectra were obtained by Robert C. Kennicutt Jr. of the University of Arizona, and are published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, volume 79, pages 255-284, 1992. The digital images of the galaxies have been extracted from the CD-ROM version of the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, which was produced under NASA contract by the Space Telescope Science Institute, operated by AURA, Inc.

This lab represents modifications (especially to the measuring methods) and additions made by Ana M. Larson to the original Hubble Law Lab. The real credit goes to the people involved in the original package.