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Correct file name extensions

Tips to a Successful Semester 1

Here are a few tips for a successful semester in Animation.

1. Get Blender and your course resources downloaded. Need help? Contact me sooner rather than later.

2. When you save your files make sure .blend is the extension and not .blend 1. Sometimes when you save a file it will add a number on the end and corrupt the file! When you got to File, save, make sure you check the file name before you select ok. Just delete the 1 or any other numbers or letters it may tack on the end.

Correct file name extensions

3. Ask me questions! I love to help and send video or email tutorials. So if you are struggling email me with a specific question and your working file (Example, I am on lab __ and on slide __ and this is not working). I can then look at it and send you a solution!

4. Unsure how to turn in a blend file in Edgenuity. Make it a zipped file! CLICK HERE to see a video on our class website about how to do it! It is called How to Submit a Project in Edgenuity.

I know that you can hit roadblocks. I love making tutorials! Send me your working file with questions and I can shoot back a video showing you how to fix your issue. CLICK HERE to see an example I made about Assigning Color to a creature- who knows maybe it will help you?