Class Policies

Class Rules

Failure to comply by class rules and Mr. Jones policies will result in further discipline.


Students are graded on the following three things

1. Tests and Quizzes (50%)

2. Daily Assignments (25%)

3. Homework (25%)

I am flexible to work with students grades, but students must talk to me for extra credit or tutoring.

Late Work

Late work will be deducted 25% everyday past due. Example: if due date is Monday and student turns it in on Tuesday they will receive 25% off and be graded with a total of 75%.


Students who do not complete work in class or are assigned homework will be asked to turn it in by the beginning of the next hour or the assigned due date. Late work policy applies to everything past due. After 3 days it is a zero.


Students will take test over every chapter to apply the content they learned over the previous lessons. All tests have study guides with the concepts and questions that will be covered on the test. Students also receive two study days in class where I work with them leading up to the test. Students who fail to use study materials or seek me for help prior to the test will not receive help leading to the test and naturally get the grade they earned.

If students or parents have concerns about students test notify me so I can give them additional study material or tutor need be.

Tutoring/Extra Help

I am available to help students who are struggling in class to improve their grade and understanding of content. If students need extra help the options are as follows:

1. Talk to me to set up a timeĀ 

2. Come in during seminar

3. Ask questions during class or at the end!