Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Forum

Accelerating Research Leveraging Experimental Research Infrastructures

MERIF, the Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Forum, brings together NSF-related research infrastructure providers and users to share experiences and improve science infrastructure. MERIF is intended to to help recruit additional researchers who can make highest and best use of NSF's midscale research infrastructure facilities through raising community awareness, reducing barriers to use, sharing best practices, and facilitating cross-facility research. In addition, MERIF helps spot research infrastructure gaps at the frontiers of CISE research areas and recommends solutions, both within computer science itself and on an interdisciplinary basis.

 Key features of these infrastructures are their ability to support multiple experiments, to enable a high degree of documented experimental reproducibility, to provide rapid recoverability for the next experiment and overall to support high quality research at the frontiers of science, engineering, and research-related fields. 

Use the top bar navigation to see information from previous workshops.

Contacts: Deep Medhi (NSF) or Glenn Ricart (US Ignite and U. Utah). Founder of MERIF: Larry Landweber (U. Wisconsin, emeritus)

MERIF is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant 1834880

Website by US Ignite