2020 Workshop

MERIF held a “Future Experimental Research Infrastructures Workshop on January 7-8, 2020.” Here is the report.

The workshop brought together researchers in a variety of NSF-CISE and other interdisciplinary areas with experienced midscale experimental infrastructure builders to identify future/evolving research areas and envision community-driven experimental infrastructures to support this research. The goal is to move beyond the current generation of Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure (see below) projects to provide forward-thinking input to CISE for possible future infrastructure consideration.

We are interested both in re-envisioned experimental infrastructures for current research areas (i.e., infrastructure that is not just scaled up or based on evolutionary changes), and also proposals for infrastructures that will support new frontier and visionary research areas. Some possible areas of interest include artificial intelligence, data analytics, data intensive applications, city-scale autonomy, advanced wireless (6G and beyond), world-wide real-time sensing, sensing for real world applications (e.g., autonomous vehicle operation/coordination), tomorrow’s clouds, cybersecurity, health monitoring applications, privacy, novel financial systems, non-traditional computation such as quantum computing/networking/security, DNA-based computation/storage, synthetic biology design/synthesis, etc. These are just a few examples.

The Workshop was held in the Miami area on January 7-8, 2020.

Workshop Chair: Larry.Landweber (lhl@cs.wisc.edu)

Local Arrangement Chair: Julio Ibarra (julio@fiu.edu)

Program Committee:

Matt Bishop

Jack Brassil

Jeff Chase (co-chair)

Chip Elliott (co-chair)

Jim Griffioen

Julio Ibarra

Christopher Lirakis

Jason Liu

Joe J Mambretti

Abraham Matta

Glenn Ricart

Robert Ricci

Paul Michael Ruth

Violet R. Syrotiuk


Report Editors:

Chip Elliott

Glenn Ricart

Larry Landweber

Current NSF-CISE Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Projects:

GENI: Networking and Distributed Systems Research (geni.net)

ORBIT: Wireless Research (orbit-lab.org)

NSFCloud: Cloud Research

Chameleon (chameleoncloud.org)

CloudLab (cloudlab.us)

PAWR: Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research

POWDER-RENEW (powderwireless.net)

COSMOS (cosmos-lab.org)

AERPAW (aerpaw.org)

FABRIC: Re-imagining the Internet (whatisFABRIC.net)

MERIF is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant 1834880

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