
Roxana López Cruz, Ph.D.

Dr. Roxana Lopez holds a Bachelor of Mathematics from the National University of San Marcos. In San Marcos she also obtained her MA in Pure Mathematics and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Mathematics and Applied Sciences (IMCA-Brazil) and PhD in Mathematics at Arizona State University. Currently, she is Full Professor and Researcher of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, UNMSM and external Advisor of national institutions on research projects in Mathematics and its Applications. She has taught at all levels of the university in Peru and in undergraduate in the United States; also has experience in academic and professional management at both the University and in institutions such as the Professional Association of Mathematicians of Peru which was its dean and currently its Vice-Dean, and groups such as the Peruvian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics as the Peruvian Society of Mathematics. She has presented lectures nationally and internationally. In Latin America, she is recognized as an expert in the fields of mathematics (biomathematics, Functional Analysis and Delay Differential Equations) and the teacher training of young researchers for these areas. She has students and collaborators in many countries. Her research interests deal with the Biomathematics. She has developed scientific initiation courses and special topics in biomathematics. She ventured into areas of Health Consulting with the dissemination of mathematical models in epidemiology, with exhibitions in offices related to that area in Peru. She is also a national representative with presentations on their research topics in several countries.


Dr. Roxana Lopez Cruz is the researcher devoted to the study of biomathematical models, she is the main promoter of this discipline in our country and the main organizer of the International Seminar on Biomathematics in Peru, main event in this area.

As a professional in Mathematics, she is currently engaged in the dissemination of biomathematics (Mathematics and Life Sciences) in Peru. Various national events are organized in the area where foreign experts join young students in math and computer science whom have shown them what they learned in classrooms, working on problems associated with Life Sciences, Mathematics and Computer involved.

Together with other colleagues as Epidemiologists, she is developing research projects and publishing articles on topics relating to the Mathematical Epidemiology (population dynamics) and with mathematician colleagues our main topics for math modeling is Ecology (Interaction Species and Environment)

Roxana López Cruz, Ph.D.

Mathematics, Ph.D. (Arizona State University-USA) Master en Matemáticas, (UNMSM) Estudios de Posgrado (IMPA - BRASIL) Licenciado en Matemáticas (UNMSM) Bachiller en Matemáticas (UNMSM).

Profesor Principal e Investigador de la Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas en UNMSM y Profesor Asociado e Investigador del IDIC-ULIMA. Investigadora calificada RENACYT.

Miembro Directivo de la Sociedad Peruana de Matemática Aplicada y Computacional. Miembro Numerado del Colegio de Matemáticos del Perú. Past-Decana Nacional del Colegio de Matemáticos del Perú (2012-2014) ViceDecana del Colegio de Matemáticos del Perú (2014-2016). Académico Titular de la Academia Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Presidenta de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Biología Matemática (SOLABIMA) (2015 - 2017).

La Dra. Roxana López Cruz es la investigadora dedicada al estudio de modelos biomatemáticos, es la principal promotora de esta disciplina en nuestro país y la organizadora del Seminario Internacional de Biomatemática en Perú, principal evento en esta área.

Como profesional en Matemáticas, es coordinadora del Grupo de Investigación “Ciencias Matemáticas para las Ciencias de la Vida” donde actualmente se dedica a la difusión de la biomatemática (Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Vida) en Perú. Autora de libros sobre Epidemiología Matemática y artículos publicados junto con otros colegas como estadísticos y epidemiólogos, a raíz del desarrollo de proyectos de investigación relacionados con la epidemiología matemática (dinámica de la población) y con colegas matemáticos, desarrollamos teoría matemática para el modelado de fenómenos en la ecología (especies de interacción y medio ambiente).