
1- Applied Statistics

2-Mathematical Statistics

At the Faculty of Administration and economic , Statistics Department, I am teaching two course namely;

1- Applied Statistics

2-Mathematical Statistics


-          - Microsoft windows

-          - Microsoft Word

-          - Microsoft Excel

-         -  SPSS

2- Statistics

-          - Introduction to statistics

-         -  Probability theory

-          - Applied Statistics

-          - Non parametric statistics

-          - Mathematical statistics

My Philosophy in Teaching

    I think that the main aim of education is to promote learning. Learning happens in many different circumstances and contexts. Despite the fact that everyone is capable of learning, the student's desire to learn is a vital precondition for effectively mastering new concepts and skills. Humans have multiple learning styles: some know the best atmosphere in the lecture, and some encouraged by the discussion, and others better understand when to read and meditate on what I read. A classroom setting can promote or inhibit learning depending on the dominant position of each student's learning style. Accommodate different learning styles creates an atmosphere conducive to learning. Students take many of the habits they learn from the teacher. If the coach was not interested in this topic, and a passion for learning, they are less likely to put forth the effort to learn in that category students. Coach must convince students of his or her knowledge and experience before they show a willingness to learn.

     My job, as a teacher, is to create an atmosphere that encourages learning. I am a coach because I have a passion to guide students through the learning process, in addition to the passion of the oldest materials. One of the best ways to enhance learning is to show those feelings to my students. I encourage learning by creating a comfortable environment for students and stimulate discussion about the concepts being presented and organizing material way that makes it easier to understand. I treat the subject as a coherent, stressing that students learn everything fits together a comprehensive understanding of the world, which is working on the development of personal outlook. I think this is best accomplished when I am demonstrating a systematic public search. I prove that you know how to find the information applies to all areas of life, I use topics and examples that are multi-disciplinary. Finally, I believe that respect for my students is one of the most important things you can show - not just to encourage openness to the material the oldest, but also to encourage them to respect each other and from other humans.

     One of the most important concepts I hope to transfer to the students is that learning is an endless process. For me, the learning process include improving myself professionally. I want to read more about informal learning theories to expand my understanding how learning takes place. I continue to instruct classes, and I also aim to promote my ease and confident in front of classes and masses. Finally, I plan to experiment with ways and means of providing information to the classes in order to improve the learning environment for students Create different.