
Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Shaho Tahir Ahmed.

I am a lecturer with an M.Sc. degree in Statistics (Multivariate)

I am a Lecturer at the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, Iraq

E-mail: shaho.ahmed@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: (+964) - 7701410900

I teach several subjects in undergraduate


- Microsoft Windows

- Microsoft Word

- Microsoft Excel


2- Statistics

- Introduction to statistics

- Principle of statistics

- Probability theory

- Applied Statistics

- Non-parametric statistics

- Mathematical statistics

- Statistical Inference

- Time series Analysis

I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.


- Microsoft windows

- Microsoft Word

- Microsoft Excel


2- Statistics

- Introduction to statistics

- Principle of statistics

- Probability theory

- Applied Statistics

- Non-parametric statistics

- Mathematical statistics

- Statistical Inference

- Time series Analysis