Academic Profile

Nariman Salih Ahmad

Qualification: PhD

Position: Professor

Profession: Plant Biotechnology 

Address: Biotechnology and Crop Sciences Department, College of Agricultural Sciences Engineering, University of Sulaimani. Bakrajo, Sulaimani- Kurdistan of Iraq

Email Address:

(+964) - 07730434873

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

Orchid ID: 0000-0003-4712-9074

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Outline Biography

Nariman Ahmad was born in Sulaimani, Kurdistan-iraq in 1974. He received the BSc. degree in Field Crops Department, Faculty of Agricultural sciences from Sulaimani University, Kurdistan-Iraq, in 1997, and the MSc degree in Plant breeding at the same department, in 2003. He had a PhD. degree in Plant molecular genetics and breeding from the University of Nottingham, UK, in 2013.

In 1998, he joined the Department of Field Crops, University of Sulaimani, as a Research assistant and Demonstrator, and in 2004 became an assistant lecturer. Since that time, he has been with the Department of Field Crops, College of Agriculture, being a lecturer by 2007. His current research interests include Molecular marker exploitation in the crop plants to develop genetic mapping and accelerate crop breeding through QTL and Marker-assisted breeding.

As an academic staff member of the Faculty he is responsible for the development program of the Field Crops Department in addition to managing the Department web page. He is also being a member of the Research Ethic committee and the research evaluation Committee of the faculty.

Research Interests

Molecular biology exploitation in the crop plants, DNA marker techniques, Genetic Diversity, genetic and QTL mapping and Marker-assisted selection.