Academic Activities

  - July 2023 – Present: National Consultant for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/Iraq for the Gene Bank Establishment in Kurdistan of Iraq.

-  March 2023-Present: Member of Alliance for Wheat Adaptation to Heat and Drought (AHEAD)

- Aug. 2022-Present: Member of the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan.

- Dec. 2021-July 2022: Agribusiness consultant at Top Mountain Company Ltd., to support the Agribusiness Accelerator program supported by USAID

- Apr. 2021-Apr. 2023: Project manager of a collaborative project (Recovering the wild; conservation of Imperiled oak woodland in Kurdistan of Iraq) between Kurdistan Botanical Foundation (KBF), American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS) and Botanic Garden Conservation International (BGCI), funded by National Geographic Society

- Jul. 2021-Present: Member of the Expert Working Group (EWG) Global Wheat Germplasm Conservation and Use Community, Wheat Initiative, Berlin, Germany.

- Apr. 2020 - Present:  Editorial Board of the Journal of Life and Bio-Sciences Research (JLBSR) with ISSN: 2708-1818

- Jan. 2019 - Present:  Principal investigator for project proposals, such as; National Gene Bank for plant germplasm, Conservation of Landraces and Wild Plant Species, and Online Flora of Kurdistan, Iraq.

- Oct. 2018 - Present:  Project Manager at Kurdistan Botanical Foundation., Sulaimani- Iraq

-  Sep. 2018 - Present:  Project manager and fundraiser at Kurdistan Botanical Foundation

- Sep. 2016 - Present:  Project Coordinator of a Transnational, Multi-Stage Approach to Conservation, a partnership project by Kurdistan Botanical Foundation and Nature Iraq, titled; Rehabilitating the Transboundary Habitat of the Persian Leopard through the Creation of a Peace Park.

- Sep. 2016 - Present:  Supervision of MSc and PhD projects on the genetic diversity of Plant Genetic diversity, Genetic linkage map and QTL analysis of different plant species.

- Sep. 2016 - Sep. 2018:  Responsible for the IT of the College of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Iraq.

- Jan. 2014 - Present:  Scientific commission and linguistic evaluation of many postgraduate theses and dissertations for the University of Sulaimani, and Halabja Polytechnique College of Sulaimani Polytechnique University.

- Jan. 2014 - Present:  Evaluation of different paper research for many of the national and international Journals.

- Jan. 2014 - Present:  Member of different committees of the Faculty; Department Scientific Commission, Scientific Promotion Committee of the College of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Iraq.