
Welcome to my Academic Profile page.

My name is Mohammed Rafiq Namiq.

I am a lecturer with a M.Sc. degree in Geometry, teaching in the Mathematics Department, College of Science at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


B.Sc. in Mathematics, Mathematics Department, College of Science, University of Sulaimani, Iraq.

M.Sc. in Mahtematics, Mathematics Department, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex, United Kingdom.

I teach several topics at my university, which are:

1. Foundations of Mathematics.

2. Calculus.

3. Finite Mathematics

4. Advanced Calculus.

5. Numerical Analysis with MATLAB.

6. Linear Algebra.

7. Academic Debates

8. University work Environment

9. Professional Skills

My research interests focus on:

1. Cryptography.

2. Public Key Cryptography.

3. Elliptic Curves.

4. Geometry.

5. Coding Theory.

6. Numerical Solutions of ODEs and PDEs.

7. Numerical Linear Algebra.