Academic Profile

Kharman Akram Faraj

Qualification: Ph.D ( Professor)

Position: Staff member

Profession: Radiobiology

Address: University of Sulaimani-College of science-Physics Department                    

Email Address:

(+964) - 07702135044

(+964)-07501913233Curriculum Vitae 

Sulaimani - Kurdistan Region- Iraq

My Google Scholar



Outline Biography

1. B.Sc degree at the University of Mosul-College of Science-Department of Physics-Iraq in 1986.

2. M.Sc degree at the University of Salahadeen College of Science-Department of Physics-Iraq in 1993, 

3. Ph.D degree at the University of Baghdad collaboration with Nuclear Research Centers in Belgium (SCK.CEN), 2009

Research Interests

Kharman's research interest includes the following fields;

1.Effects of ionizing radiations on human 

2. Radiation Protection

3. Effects of non-ionizing radiation on human

4.Radiation Physics

5.Medical physics of radiotherapy