
Within the academic domain of the College of Commerce, specifically within the Departments of Project Management and Information Technology, I am currently engaged in the instruction of the following courses: "Operation Research" intended for Master's level students and an advanced-level course titled "Advance Research Methodology" designed for Master's students. Additionally, I assume teaching responsibilities for the "Advance Research Methodology" course at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Sulaimani, catering specifically to Ph.D. students.

My Philosophy in Teaching

Teaching is not a straightforward process, as commonly perceived. The traditional view of the educator's role, confined to delivering subject matter in classrooms and subsequently testing students to assess their understanding and retention, has become antiquated and ineffective. This philosophy encourages rote memorization solely for examination purposes, leading to a transient acquisition of knowledge, which fails to fulfill the foundational objectives for which universities were established. Such an approach steers students away from their fundamental responsibilities, neglecting the educational and pedagogical aspects inherent in teaching.

Education should be a purposeful and transformative endeavor, considering all components essential for effective learning and upbringing. The collaborative exchange between educators and students in university teaching necessitates skills on the part of the instructor, adequate time allocation for students, and the delivery of academic content through effective and comprehensive methods. This approach ensures the material's consolidation in the students' minds, guiding them towards problem-solving rather than mere memorization.

University teaching involves fostering creativity among students and cultivating expertise within specific disciplines and related administrative domains, encompassing both theoretical and applied aspects. Success should be measured not by the quantity of material covered by the instructor but by the students' ability to comprehend and apply it. My fundamental goal in teaching is to provide students with a secure environment, enhance their self-confidence, encourage them, and create optimal conditions for acquiring knowledge and skills by allowing students to work collaboratively.

During my academic tenure, where I pursued advanced studies and engaged directly with academics from various advanced countries, I developed an alternative perspective on teaching and its mission. This experience underscored the need for an advanced and sound educational system and curricula aligned with societal and labor market requirements. Creating a sound educational environment and interacting with students can yield positive outcomes, recognizing the diverse cultural backgrounds, knowledge bases, and capabilities of students. Acknowledging and showcasing these diverse perspectives require successful educators who assist students in expressing their knowledge and skills for the benefit of their peers. This is achieved by providing opportunities and encouraging collaborative efforts.