Academic Profile

Ibrahim Maaroof Noori

Qualification:  Ph. D.

Position: Assistant Professor

Profession: Pomology (Fruit Science)

Address: University of Sulaimani

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq


Cell Phone:  (+964) - 0770 220 4320


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Outline Biography

Ibrahim M. Noori, was born the second of ten children on August 12, 1973 in Dolan village, Qaradagh, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq. He received his primary, secondary and preparatory education in Sulaymaniyah during 1979-1992. He was attended the University of Sulaimani after re-establishment of this University by Kurdistan Region Government in late 1992. He graduated as the top rank of Horticulture Department on June 30, 1996, obtaining Bachelor of Science in Horticulture. During 1996-2000, he was working as a Demonstrator in the Horticulture Department, where he graduated. He began a Master of Science program in Pomology on February 12, 2000 under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Bahram K. Muhammad in the Department of Plant Production at Salahaddin-Erbil University. His MSc thesis research was entitled [Effect of different irrigation and urea spray levels on the growth and yield of olive trees (Olea europaea L. cv. Ashrasie)]. He completed his M. Sc. on May 25, 2002. And since that time, he had been a member of Faculty Staff of Horticulture Department/University of Sulaimani.

            On September 4, 2004, Ibrahim began his Ph. D. Dissertation program, exploring methods to break seed dormancy in some wild and domesticated fruit species of the genus Prunus (Stone fruits), and using their seedlings as peach rootstocks. This dissertation research project had been initiated under the supervision of  Professor Dr. Daoud A. Daoud, from the University of Baghdad, but due to the bad situations there during that time, Dr. Daoud is emigrated aboard. So, the research was completed under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mohammed A. Salman from the University of Baghdad.

        On November 2, 2008, I. M. Noori had completed his Ph. D., entitled [Studies on seed germination, seedling growth and budding of some stone fruits (Prunus spp.), this work had been accepted in Excellence

       Since late 2008, he has been working in his department (Horticulture) as a Lecturer of (Pomology), lecturing the topics of Pomology, Fruit Science, and Research Methodology, as well as advanced lectures for Higher Education Students. Besides, working on researches, and he has published 17 research articles in local and international journals.

      Ibrahim was promoted to Assistant Professor on December 18, 2014. He is a Member of the Scientific Committee in the Department of Horticulture, a Member of the Scientific Committee in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, a Member of the Committee of Curriculum Development in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, and a Member of the Committee of Ethics in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Now, he is working in his Department with lecturing, research and some other scientific activities.

Research Interests

Noori's research interests include the following fields;

1. Propagation of Fruit Trees

2. Budding Fruit Trees