
Well come to my publications page:

My Google Scholar

MSc thesis:

Assessment of Application of GPR on different types of soil surrounding Sulaimani city, Iraqi Kurdistan region


Journal Papers

1.Aziz, B., Q., and Othman, H., A., 2017, Geotechnical study for cavity detection in high ways using ground penetrating radar, Sulaimani city, Iraqi Kurdistan region, Journal of zankoy Sulaimani-part A(JZS-A), vol.(19). No.(3), (2017).

2.Othman, H., A., 2019, Resistivity imaging: Application of 2D resistivity survey for under groundwater prospecting in new campus of Sulaimani university and surrounding areas, Sulaimani city, NE Iraq.

working in a new research, 2019

2 new papers research...........Coming soon

Conference Papers


1.Cavity detection under high ways using ground penetrating radar in Arbat area of Sulaimani city.

2.Under ground water estimation using electrical resistivity method in new campus of university of Sulaimani.

3..Under ground water estimation using electrical resistivity method in Majidi mall project.