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Journal Papers

    1. Azher K. S. & Ziad R. E., 2006, Slope Characters of the AL_Khouser Valley Basin – Neinwa Governorate. Published in Sulaimani university, Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, 2006, 9(1) Part A.
  1. AL_Salim T. H. & Azher K. S. ,2006, Study of Drainage Pattern of The Archeological Channel At The Left Side of the Tigris River Using Remote Sensing Techniques, 2006, Published In University of Mosul.
  2. Spatial assessment of Geo-environmental data using remote sensing and GIS techniques for Rania Area, Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Region – Iraq, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, ISSN: 2319-7463 Vol. 3 Issue 3, March-2014, pp: (405-412).
  3. Geomorphic indexes of tectonic activity through the analysis of the drainage systems in the Sangaw area, Kurdistan Region – NE-Iraq., Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani-Part A For pure and Applied Sciences, (JZS-A) ISSN 1812-4100, Issued by the University of Sulaimani, 2015.
  4. GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE PIRAMAGROON–KANIKHAN VALLEY, SULAIMANI GOVERNORATE, KURDISTAN REGION, NORTH IRAQ, International Journal of Geography and Geology ISSN(e): 2305-7041/ISSN(p): 2306-9872, 2015, 4(12): 183-195.
  5. LINEAMENT ANALYSIS OF SULAIMANI MASTER PLAN AREA, KURDISTAN REGION, IRAQ, Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani-Part A For pure and Applied Sciences, (JZS-A) ISSN 1812-4100 , JZS-Special edition-part- 1/GeoKurdistan-2.,2016.
  6. Sara M, M.Al-Kubaisi, Azhar Bety., Geomorphic Indices of Tectonic Activity Through the Analysis of the Drainage Systems in Pera Magroon Anticline, Northeastern Iraq, Iraqi National Journal of Earth Sciences Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 99 - 112, 2018
  7. Sara M, M.Al-Kubaisi, Azhar Bety., Heavy Minerals Distribution of Peramagroon Alluvial Fans Sulaimaniyah Governorate (Northern Iraq) as an Indicator to Tectonic Activity, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.9 /Issue 51 / December / 2018.
  8. Sara M, M.Al-Kubaisi, Azhar Bety., Extraction and Delineation of Pera Magroon Alluvial Fans North-East Iraq Using Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS application, Iraqi Journal of Science, 2019, Vol. 60, No.1, pp: 64-76.

Conference Papers

  1. Study and Classification of Canyon Weathering for the basin of Chaq Chaq Valley ,NW Sulimanyia City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.GRMENA III, Cairo Univ. 2009.
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