Academic Profile

Name: Azhar Khaleel Sulaiman Bety

Qualification: PhD

Position: Ass. Professor

Profession: Geomorphology, Remote sensing and GIS

Address: Department of Geology university of Sulaimani Qlyassan new campus, Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

Email Address:

Mob.: (+964) - 07701503421

Outline Biography

1991 B.Sc. Geology - University of Mosul (grade : good - first ).

2002 M.Sc. in Geomorphology (Remote sensing) - University of Mosul.

2013 Ph.D in Geomorphology (Using remote sensing & GIS) University of Sulaimani.

General specialization: Geology

Specific specialization: Geomorphology-Remote sensing

Academic title: Assistant Professor


Date of first assignment in University of Sulaimani: 09-06-2004


Jobs and Experience:

- Experience in Aerial photograph Interpretation & Produce mapping from there.

- Experience in GIS and Remote Sensing Programs.

Languages: English (language of study), Arabic, Kurdish (mother tongue).

Research Interests

Research interest includes the following fields;

1. Geology - Geomorphology.

2. Remote Sensing & GIS.