Curriculum Vitae


·       Full Professor in Economics. Department of Economics, Society and Politics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

·       Full Professorship Italian Habilitation in Economic Policy & Applied Economics & Political Economy.

·       Associate researcher at Mo.Fi.R. Money and Finance Research group. Department of Economics, Marche Polytechnic University, Italy.

.      Member of the ECDN scientific group CoDeS


Applied microeconometrics. The employment, investment and financial behaviour of firms in the presence of imperfect markets. Banking. Technology Transfer.

Among co-authors: Giorgio Calcagnini, Giuseppe Travaglini (University of Urbino Carlo Bo), Annalisa Ferrando (BCE), Rebel Cole (De Paul University Chicago), Andrea Bellucci (University of Tubingen – European Commission), Alex Borizov (University of Cincinnati), Friedrich Schneider (University of Linz), Jerzey Szroeter (University College London) Alberto Zazzaro (Marche Polytechnic University)


2020 - Coordinator of the Economic Area of the Department Project (DESP-Uniurb) "Food Security in the key of sustainability" (project amount 20,000 €)

2020 - Member of the Department project (DISB-Uniurb) "Development of a new protein-based edible biopolymer for the production of new generation food-packaging" (project amount € 5,000)

2019 - 2020 Member of the University project (Uniurb) "Workplace wellness programs and labor productivity" (Project amount 25,000 €)

2009-2010. National Project: Crisi Economica e Sicurezza nel Tessuto Imprenditoriale della Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino (Economic crisis and entrepreneurs safeness in the Pesaro and Urbino Province) Supervisor: Prof. Ilario Favaretto, University of Urbino. On line report (in Italian):

National Project PRIN 2008: “Beyond the short run: cycle, productivity growth and market imperfections”. Principal Investigator: Prof. Enrico Saltari, University of Rome La Sapienza. Member of local unit (24 months). “Market imperfections, economic decisions and productivity”. Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Calcagnini, University of Urbino.   

National Project PRIN 2005. “Ownership structure, financial systems and business performance”. Principal Investigator: Prof. Marcello Messori, University of Rome Tor Vergata. Research contract (6 months). Local Unit “Investments decisions and financial policies of European Firms. Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Calcagnini, University of Urbino.   



·       1 January 2016 – 31 December 2018. Assistant professor in Economic Policy, Department of Economics, Society, Politics, University of Urbino

·     1 November 2009 – 31 October 2015. Assistant professor in Economics, Department of Economics, Society, Politics, University of Urbino

·       18 August 2008 – 17 August 2009. Post Doctoral Fellow. Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. Supervisor: Professor Giorgio Calcagnini. Research Topic: EPL and investment decisions.

·       1 August 2007 – 31 July 2008. Post Doctoral Fellow. Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. Supervisor: Professor Giorgio Calcagnini. Research Topic: EPL and investment decisions.

·       1 July 2006  –   30 June 2007. Post Doctoral Fellow. Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. Supervisor: Professor Giorgio Calcagnini. Research Topic: EPL and investment decisions.

·       2 November 2004 – 1 November 2005. Research Fellow. Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”. Supervisor: Professor Giorgio Calcagnini. Research Topic: The impact of labour and financial markets on investment decisions.




·       TA Scholarship 2004/2005. Department of Economics, University College London.

·       W M Gorman Graduate Research Scholarship 2003/2004. Department of Economics, University College London.

·       Best Doctoral Student 2001/2002. Department of Economics, Polytechnic University of Marche.

·       Three Year PhD Scholarship, Department of Economics, Polytechnic University of Marche, November 2001.




·       2017 – May: visiting professor Universidad de Cadiz, Spain.

·       2016 – September: visiting professor Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain.

·       2016 – April: visiting researcher at European Central Bank, Frankfurt. Capital Markets Division. Research collaboration with Annalisa Ferrando.

·       2014 – December: visiting researcher at European Central Bank, Frankfurt. Capital Markets Division. Research collaboration with Annalisa Ferrando.

·       2011 – July: visiting researcher at European Central Bank, Frankfurt. Capital Markets Division. Research collaboration with Annalisa Ferrando.

·       2007 – October: visiting scholar, Nuffield College, Oxford. Sponsor: Prof. Steve Nickell.

·       A.A. 2003/2004 –Department of Economics, University College London. Research Student: MPhil Macroeconomics, MPhil Microeconomics, MPhil Econometrics, Development Economics, Advanced Macroeconomics.  




Undergraduate courses


A.Y. 2015/16

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Urbino).

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Fano).


A.Y. 2014/15

·       Summer course in Microeconomics. Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Urbino). (3-7/08 2015).

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Urbino).

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Fano).


A.Y. 2013/14

·       Summer course in Microeconomics. Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Urbino). (28/07-2/08 2014).

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Urbino).

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Fano).


A.Y. 2012/13

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Political Science, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Fano).


A.Y. 2011/12

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Political Science, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

·       Lecturer. Microeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Fano).


A.Y. 2010/11

·       Lecturer. Macroeconomics (undergraduate). Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Fano).


A.Y. 2009/10

·       Teaching assistant in  Microeconomics, Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.


A.Y. 2008/09

·       Lecturer. Economics of Development, Department of Political Science, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.


From A.Y. 2004/05 to A.Y.  2008/09.

·       Teaching assistant in  Macroeconomics, Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.


From A.Y. 2004/05 to A.Y. 2006/07.

·       Teaching assistant in  Microeconomics, Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.


January to June 2005 

·       Teaching Assistant, (Undergraduate Students), Department of Economics, University College London. Courses: Applied Economics (Prof. Ian Preston); Basic Microeconomic Principles (Prof. John Mark); Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (Prof. Wendy Carlin); Open Economy Macroeconomics (Prof. Wendy Carlin).


Graduate courses


A.Y. 2010/11.

·       Lceturer. Health Economics. Department of Sociology, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.


A.Y. 2008/09 - 2009/10.

·       Teaching assistant. Health Economics. Department of Sociology, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.


A.A. 2006/07 - 2007/08.

·       Lecturer. Economics of International Financial Markets. Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.


A.Y. 2004/05.

·       Short term lecturer. International Economics. Department of Economics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.


PhD Courses


A.Y. 2017/18

·       Microeconomics. PhD in Global Studies, Department of Economics, Society and Politics, University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

From A.Y. 2005/06 to A.Y.  2010/2011.

·       Seminars on Real Business Cycles. PhD in Economics, Department of Economics, Marche Polytechnic University, Italy.




·       From 2016 – Departmental Reference for Third Mission Activities.

·       From 2016 – Member of the Third Mission Commission, Department of Economics, Politics and Society. University of Urbino Carlo Bo.

·       From 2016 – Member of the Professors-Students Parithetic Commission, Bachelor in Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Politics and Society. University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.

·       2014 – 2015. Supervisor (with Prof. Giorgio Calcagnini) of the Regional Project “CultLab – Spin off di impresa culturale” (CultLab- spin-off incubator of cultural firms). Marche Region European Funds.

·       16 Dec 2005 – 15 June 2006. Short term Researcher, Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino, Italy.  National Project PRIN 2005: “Investments decisions and financial policies of European Firms”. Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Calcagnini.

·       A.A. 2003/2004 – Research Student, Department of Economics, University College London. Courses: MPhil Macroeconomics, MPhil Microeconomics, MPhil Econometrics, Development Economics, Advanced Macroeconomics.  




·       International Conference: “International Conference on Small Businesses, Banks, Finance, Innovation and Growth” Department of Economics, University of Urbino, 12-13 October 2017.

·       National workshop “Innovazione, Crescita, Lavoro”, Department of Economics, University of Urbino, 9 March 2016.

·       International Conference: “International Conference on Technology Transfer” Department of Economics, University of Urbino, 30-31 October 2014.

·       International Conference: “Beyond the short run: productivity growth, market imperfections and macroeconomic disequilibrium”, Deparment of Economics, University of Roma La Sapienza, 11-12 May 2012.

·       International Conference:  “The financing of Small- and Medium- Sized Firms”, Department of Economics, University of Urbino, 21-22 April 2009.

·       International Conference: “The Economics of Imperfect Markets”, Deparment of Economics, University of Roma La Sapienza, 16-17 May 2008.

·       International Conference: “Small Businesses and Globalization: a Comparison between Different Market Strategies”, Department of Economics, University of Urbino, 22 April 2008.

·       International Workshop: “The Economic Impact of Financial and Labour Market Imperfections”, Department of Economics, University of Urbino, 12 May 2006.



·       Italian Economic Association (SIE)- Marche Polytechnic University, Italy from 2013.

·       Research affiliate of  MoFiR "Money and Finance Research Group"- Marche Polytechnic University, Italy from 2012.

·       American Finance Association (AFA)- University of Utah, 2015.

·       Italiana Regional Science Association (AISRE) presso DASTu, Politecnico di Milano, 2013.

·       European Finance Association (EFA)- European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, 2012.

·       European Association of Law and Economics (EALE)- Stockholm University, 2012.



·       2006, 24 March – PhD in Economics, Department of Economics, Marche Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: Investments, Liquidity Constraints, and Employment Protection Legislation. Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Calcagnini.

·       2006, 24 – 28 Luglio - SEEC: Summer School in  Computational Economics, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Lecce,  Lecce.

·       2003 - MSc in Economics (with distinction), Department of Economics, University College London. Thesis in Time Series Econometrics (with distinction). Title: “Quasi-Akaike and Quasi-Schwarz Criteria for Model Selection with Special Reference to Non-Nested Regressions”. Supervisor: Dr. Jerzy Szroeter.

·       2002 - MSc in Economics, Department of  Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche.

·       2002, 3 – 14 June - CIDE: Summer School in Econometrics, Bertinoro.

·       2001, 14 June - Laurea in Economics and Business (cum laude), Faculty of Economics, University of Urbino. Thesis Title: “The euro as International currency and the fluctuations on the Exchange rate markets”. Advisor: Prof. Mario Pianta.

·       1998, May – June – Undergraduate Exchange Programme. Course: “Communication for management”, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, USA. Final mark: A.

·       1996 - Maturità scientifica, Liceo Scientifico “G. Marconi”, Pesaro. Final Marks: 60/60.


·       English: advanced


·       Advanced knowledge of Windows operative system, Word, Excel, Access.

·       Advanced knowledge of econometric program Stata, Eviews, Gretl.

·       Advanced knowledge of Latex

·       Good knowledge of Matlab.




“How labor regulation affects innovation and investment: A neo-Schumpeterian approach” (with G Calcagnini and G Travaglini):

·       Annual conference of the Italian Economic Association (SIE), Università della Calabria, 19-21 October.

·       Invited seminar Universidad de Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain, 23 May.

·       Invited speaker at the European Investment Bank,  Department of Economics, Luxembourg, 16 Marzo.

·       Annual Workshop of the Italian Association of Industrial Economy and Policy (SIEPI), University of Palermo, 9-10 February.



“Innovation and labor regulation: A neo-Schumpeterian model” (with G Calcagnini and G Travaglini):

·       Invited speaker at European Central Bank, Convergence and Competitiveness Division, 15 December.

·       9th MDEF workshop - Università di Urbino– Italy – 23-25 June.

·       Workshop “Innovazione, crescita, lavoro”, Università di Urbino, 9 March.

“The productivity gap among European countries” (with G Calcagnini G Travaglini): Invited speaker at the ECB. Workshop on R&D, Technology and Productivity, European Central Bank. 28 April.

“Flessibilità del lavoro e innovazione” (with G Calcagnini G Travaglini):  Workshop on Innovazione, Crescita, Lavoro, Department of Economics, University of Urbino.

 “Technology transfer with search intensity and project advertising” (with G Calcagnini, P Liberati, G Travaglini): Annual Workshop of the Italian Association of Industrial Economy and Policy (SIEPI), University of Florence 4-5 February.

 “Distance and Loan Contract Terms in Local Credit Markets: Testing the Lender-Based Theory of Collateral” (with A. Bellucci, A. Borisov, A. Zazzaro), Midwest Finance Association, March, Atlanta (Co-author).



“The productivity gap among European countries” (with G Calcagnini G Travaglini): Workshop on R&D, Technology and Productivity, 20 November, The Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome.

“Distance and Loan Contract Terms in Local Credit Markets: Testing the Lender-Based Theory of Collateral” (with A. Bellucci, A. Borisov, A. Zazzaro):

·       4th Mofir workshop on banking - Kobe University – Japan - 11-12 June (Co-author).

·       Workshop on Accounting and Finance. Tubingen, Germany, 27 March (Co-author).

·       Annual conference of the Italian Economic Association (SIE), University of Naples Parthenope, 24-26 October.

“Technology transfer with search intensity and project advertising” (with G Calcagnini, P Liberati, G Travaglini): Technology Transfer Society Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, 28-30 October.

“A Matching Model of University-Industry Collaboration” (with G Calcagnini, P Liberati, G Travaglini): Annual Workshop of the Italian Association of Industrial Economy and Policy (SIEPI). IULM, Milan, 5-6 February.

“ The role of universities in the location of innovative start-ups” (con G.Calcagnini, I. Favaretto, F. Perugini, R. Rombaldoni):

·       Annual Workshop of the Italian Association of Industrial Economy and Policy (SIEPI). IULM, Milan, 5-6 February.

·       Finkt Final Conference –Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship, University of Bologna, Rimini, 15-17 April (Co-author).


“Does Innovation Affect Credit Access? New Empirical Evidence From Italian Small Business Lending” (with A. Bellucci I. Favaretto):

·       Annual conference of the Italian Economic Association (SIE), University of Trento, 24-26 October.

·       Workshop on Trade and Innovation. University of Ferrara, 12 June (Co-author).

·       Annual Workshop of the Italian Association of Industrial Economy and Policy (SIEPI). University of Naples Federico II, 6-7 February (Co-author).

·       Annual conference of the Midwest Finance Association (MFA), Orlando, 5-8 March.

·       Copenhagen Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Copenhagen, 17-19 January.

“Multiple market imperfections, firm profitability and investment” (with G. Calcagnini A. Ferrando):

•     Eastern Finance Association (EFA), Pittsburgh, PA, 9-12 April (Co-author)

·       IAW, invited seminar,  Institute of Applied Economics, Tubingen. 17 June.

“Collateral down the Road: Test of the Lender-Based Theory of Collateral” (with A. Bellucci, A. Borisov, A. Zazzaro): European Central Bank Workshop. SMEs’ Access to Finance:  The Role of Financial and non-Financial Intermediaries and Capital Markets. Frankfurt am Main, 11 Dicember.

“A Matching Model of University-Industry Collaboration” (with G Calcagnini, P Liberati, G Travaglini), and “The role of universities in start-up location decisions” (con G.Calcagnini, I. Favaretto, F. Perugini, R. Rombaldoni): International Conference on Technology Transfer, University of Urbino, 30-31 October.


“Multiple market imperfections, firm profitability and investment” (with G. Calcagnini  A. Ferrando): 

·       Annual conference of the Italian Economic Association (SIE),  Università di Bologna, 25-27 October.

·       Invited seminar at BCE, Capital Market Division 26 September (Co-author).

·       Annual conference of the Italiana Regional Science Association (AISRE) Università of Palermo, 2-4 September.

·       Workshop: Regulations, Entrepreneurship and Firm Dynamics, Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, Stockholm 22-24 August (Co-author).

“Gender differences in bank loan access. an empirical analysis” (with G. Calcagnini E. Lenti): Annual conference of the Midwest Finance Association (MFA), Chicago, 13-16 March.


“The effects of tax evasion and the inefficiency of the legal system on firms’ financial constraints: are they complements or substitutes?” (with D. Teobaldelli). Annual conference of the Italian Public Economic Association (SIEP). Università of Pavia, 24-25 September.

“Gender differences in bank loan access. an empirical analysis” (with G. Calcagnini E. Lenti): Annual conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE). Stockholm University, 20-22 September.

“Does innovation affect firm’s access to credit? New empirical evidence from Italy” (with A. Bellucci  I. Favaretto): Annual conference of the Italiana Regional Science Association (AISRE). University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 13-15 September (Co-author).

“Multiple market imperfections and firm investment” (con A. Ferrando). Workshop: Beyond the short run: productivity growth, market imperfections and macroeconomic disequilibrium; University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 11-12 May.


“The impact of the recent financial crisis on bank loan interest rates and guarantees.” (with G. Calcagnini F. Farabullini):

·       XX International Tor Vergata Conference on Money, Banking and Finance, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 5-7 December.

·       Annual conference of the Italian Economic Association (SIE), University of Rome “Romatre”, 14-15 October.

·       Invited seminar ECB, Frankfurt 25 July.

·       9th Annual International Conference on Business, ATINER, Athens, 4-7 July.

·       8th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics, 30/06-2/07, Samos Island, Greece.


“Crisi economica, vincoli di liquidità e criminalità”. Lunch seminar University of Urbino, 3 March.

“Crisi economica e sicurezza nel tessuto imprenditoriale della provincia di Pesaro-Urbino”. Prefettura di Pesaro. 19 Febbraio.


“Financial Models of Innovative Firms: the Marche Region Case” (with G. Calcagnini I. Favaretto): The Economics of Small Businesses. An International Perspective, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, 21-22 April.


“Cash Holdings, Firm Value and the Role of Market Imperfections. A Cross-Country Analysis” (with G. Calcagnini A. Gehr): The Economics of Imperfect Markets, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 16-17 May.


“EPL, financial constraints and firm investment: the European Case” (con G.Calcagnini):

·       Seminar at the Department of Economics, Marche Polytechnic University, December.

·       Seminar at the Department of Economics, University of Perugia, 15 May.

·       Second Italian Congress in Econometrics and Empirical Economics, CIdE, Rimini, 24-25 January.


“Credit Expansion and Banking Crises: The Role of Guarantees” (with G. Calcagnini) XV International Tor Vergata Conference on “Money, Finance and Growth” University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, 13-15 December.

“EPL, financial constraints and firm investment: the European Case” (withG. Calcagnini):

·       European Summer Symposium in Labour Economics, CEPR, IZA, LSE, poster session, Buch, Ammersee Lake, Germany, 14 -16 September.

·       Conference “Policies against unemployment”, “Labour market institutions and policies” session, Applied Econometrics Association, Naples, 1-2 June.

·       International Workshop “The Economic Impact of Financial and Labour Market Imperfections”, Urbino, 12 May.

·       Seminar at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, February 2006.




Applied Financial Economics, Applied Economics, Argomenti, Economic Modelling, Economic Notes, International Journal of Finance and Economics, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Regional Studies, Review of Financial Economics, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, Small Business Economics.