Statistical Analysis of DNA sequences

My previous research in the group of Paolo Grigolini (Department of Physics, University of North Texas, TX) focused on the statistical properties of the distribution of nucleotides in DNA sequences using tools from statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics. We investigated the non-Gaussian properties of the statistics associated to DNA sequences, developing new measures of DNA complexity (Allegrini et al., 1998a, Allegrini et al., 1998b, West et al, 2000) that discriminated coding from non-coding regions across evolution.

Joint work with biologists (group of Marcello Buiatti, Department of Animal Biology and Genetics, Firenze (Italy)) has followed either with new investigations (Buiatti et al., 2002), a review on current methods of analysis (Buiatti, 2000), and by establishing a theoretical framework that aims to link the correlated structure of different living systems in a unified view (Buiatti and Buiatti, 2001, Buiatti and Buiatti, 2004).


Buiatti M, Buiatti M, 

Towards a statistical characterisation of the Living State of Matter

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 20 (1), 55-61 (2004). 

Buiatti M, Acquisti C, Mersi G, Bogani P, Buiatti M

The biological meaning of DNA correlations, 

in ''Fractals in Biology and Medicine, Volume III, Mathematics and Biosciences in interaction'', Birkhauser Ed., Berne (2002). 

Buiatti M and Buiatti M

The living state of matter, 

Biology Forum, 94 (1), 59-82 (2001). 

West BJ, Allegrini P, Buiatti M, Grigolini P, 

Non-normal Statistics of DNA Sequences of Prokaryotes

Journal of Biological Physics 26 (1), 17-25 (2000). 

Allegrini P, Buiatti M, Grigolini P, West BJ, 

Non-Gaussian statistics of anomalous diffusion: the DNA sequences of prokaryotes

Physical Review E 58, 3640-3648 (1998). 

Allegrini P, Buiatti M, Grigolini P, West BJ, 

Fractional Brownian Motion as a Nonstationary Process: an Alternative Paradigm for DNA sequences

Physical Review E 57, 4558-4567 (1998).

Buiatti M


in Marcello Buiatti, Lo stato vivente della materia, Edizioni UTET, Torino (2000). Book chapter, in Italian.