E. RAST-K 3.0

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The nodal diffusion code RAST-K is the second part of a conventional two-step approach code system, which is developed by UNIST CORE laboratory and sponsored by Korea Hydraulic & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.. To achieve high accuracy of reactor analysis with affordable memory requirement and computing time, the pin-by-pin kernel is newly implemented in RAST-K v3. The neutron transport calculation is performed by solving pin-by-pin SP3 equation with axially unified nodal method. The pin-wise cross section data is corrected by SPH factor to preserve the accuracy of transport calculation. The depletion, TH feedback, and cross section feedback modules and user-supporting engineering features for convenience of reactor core design and analysis are extended from the sub-assembly to sub-pin level. The parallel computing capability is also applied to pin-by-pin kernel with high computing resources.

Physics Model


- Multi-group pin-wise SP3

- Assembly-wise CMFD acceleration - UNM for axial layer

XS model

- Eight-group group constants from STREAM2D

- Full / Hot case matrices

- Save micro XS for micro depletion

- XS functionalization with 3D/2D Lagrange interpolation

- XS correction using SPH factor with assembly DF

TH feedback

- Single phase formulation (no boiling) without momentum equation (constant pressure)

- 1D radial heat conduction

- Consider TCD with FRAPCON-4.0 correlation

- CTF Steam table (IAPWS industrial formulation 2008)

Fuel cycle analysis

- Micro-depletion for 22 actinides and 12 fission products

- Effective Gd approach

- CRAM depletion solver

Domain Decomposition

All processor need to have …

‒ Geometry information (all mapping index)

‒ Basic 3D information: macro XS, flux, power, psi, Tfuel, Tmod, BU, …


‒ Count node per same XS type

‒ Arrange node for each processor

‒ Then, each processor have only pin XS in 1 FA

DD for Depletion

‒ Same domain with XSFB

‒ Number density & micro XS & reaction rate

DD for TH

‒ Only radially decomposition to solve  axial heat convection

DD for neutronics (SP3, UNM, not for CMFD)

‒ Same with TH, but, including mesh in reflector assembly


- OPR1000 cycle 1 whole core depletion

- Critical boron concentration

- Peaking factor

- Pin power distribution