Download Intro_STREAM_2D

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A neutron transport analysis code, STREAM 2D (Steady state and Transient REactor Analysis code with Method of Characteristics), has been developed to perform a whole LWR core calculation with the direct transport analysis method and the two-step method. Numerous advanced features, especially resonance treatment methods, have been developed and implemented in the STREAM code for higher accuracy and performance. STREAM 2D with the advanced methods has order of ~100 pcm accuracy in LWR analyses. STREAM has capabilities to analyze the whole LWR core through the two-step (with PARCS or RAST-K 2.0) method


Multi-group Cross-Section Generation

– Pin-based pointwise energy slowing-down method

– Equivalence theory for structure material

– Resonance up-scattering correction

– Enhanced neutron current method

– Resonance interference factor library method (option)

– Inflow transport correction

Transport Solver

– Method of Characteristics

– T-Y optimum quadrature sets

– Assembly modular ray tracing method

– Direct neutron path linking method

–  P0~P5 scattering source treatment

– Coarse mesh finite difference acceleration


– Matrix exponential method

– Chebyshev rational approximation method

– Chain with ~1400 isotopes

– Predictor/corrector

– On-the-fly direct energy release model

– Source term calculation

Few-group Constants Generation

– Discontinuity factor

– Two-group cross-sections

– Critical spectrum with fundamental mode calculation

Pin-based Slowing-down Method (PSM)

Method of Characteristics

PWR Benchmark

LWR core plot by STREAM

STREAM Pin power distribution

B&W Critical Benchmark

Mosteller Benchmark