Narrative Writing


  • The writing entertains, amuses or instructs.


  • The writing has a title, an orientation (who, when, where), a complication, a series of events, resolution, and coda.
  • A variety of connectives link sentences and paragraphs. (Once upon a time, last week, later that night, etc.)


  • A range of nouns and noun groups (common and proper) are used to describe people and places
  • Descriptive words and sentences are used. (size, colour, shape, number, texture, etc.)
  • Understanding of noun-pronoun relationship is demonstrated (eg. he, they)
  • Action verbs and relating verbs are used. (is, was)
  • Mostly simple and compound sentences, but some complex sentences.
  • Some complex sentences are used.
  • Appropriate use of direct speech

Writing Features:

  • The writing uses consistent tense (past or present)
  • Characters are personified or given names
  • Student begins to express a point of view or opinion (e.g. lives happily ever after)
  • Work is edited for spelling and punctuation
  • Paragraphs are developed.
  • Spelling is correct.
  • Work is edited and checked.