

Articles in international refereed journals

"Who can benefit from multi-license oil concessionaire valuation?" Energy Economics, July 2024, 107640.

"Co-payment exemption and healthcare consumption: quasi-experimental evidence from Italy". Empirical Economics, Feb2024. With V. Cirulli, G. Resce

“The cost of waiting and the death toll in Italy during the first wave of covid-19 pandemic. Health Policy 134(2023)104859, with A. Girardi

"The short-run effects of public incentives for innovation in Italy”. Economic Modelling, 120(2023)106178. With G. Mellace

"The complex interplay between Covid-19 and Economy" Mathematical Social Sciences, July 2022. With R. Cerqueti, F. Tramontana.

“The sooner the Better: Lives saved by the lockdown during the COVID-19 outbreak. The case of Italy”. The Econometrics Journal. July 2021. With R. Cerqueti, R. Copier, A. Girardi

A dose–response approach to evaluate the effects of different levels of partial credit guarantees” Applied Economics, 43(12) 2020. With Cerulli G. 

Optimal concession contracts for oil exploitation” Energy Policy, 147(Dec)2020, 111900. With R. Cerqueti 

"Fairness and the unselfish demand for redistribution by taxpayers and welfare recipients", Southern Economic Journal, 2019. With F. Sabatini, E. Yamamura, L. Zamparelli

"Measuring credit crunch in Italy: evidence from a survery-based indicator" Annals of Operations Research, 2019. With A. Girardi

"Civic capital and support for the welfare state" Social Choice and Welfare, 2019, 53: 313-336. With R. Cerqueti and F. Sabatini.

“TVDIFF: estimation of pre- and post-treatment average treatment effects with binary time-varying treatment using Stata”, Stata Journal, 2019, 19(3). With G. Cerulli.

“Does the U.S. exercise contagion on Italy? A theoretical model and empirical evidence”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2018, 499(1): 436-442 DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2018.02.073 . with R. Cerqueti, L. Fenga.

“Testing the validity of instruments in an exactly identified equation” International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 2018, 8(2): 159-169

“Innovation, Imitation and Policy Inaction”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2016, 111(October):22-30, with AG Quaranta and R. Cerqueti. Doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2016.06.001

“Innovation and Imitation as an Interactive Process”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2016, 25(8): 821-851, with P.L. Scandizzo. DOI:

“Factor Augmented Bridge Models (FABM) and Soft Indicators to Forecast Italian Industrial Production” Journal of Forecasting, 2016, 35(6): 542-556 DOI: 10.1002/for.2393, with A. Girardi and B. Guardabascio.

“Optimal Investment in Research and Development Under Uncertainty” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2016, 168(1): 296-309, with Cerqueti R. and Marazzina D.. DOI: 10.1007/s10957-015-0751-7

“Organized Crime, Extortion and Entrepreneurship under Uncertainty”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 2015, 39(1): 119-144, with P.L. Scandizzo. DOI: 10.1007/s10657-014-9479-3

“Risk and Uncertainty in the Patent Race: a Probabilistic Model”, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2015,26(1), 36-62; doi:10.1093/imaman/dpt020, with R. Cerqueti.

“Public Credit Guarantees and SMEs Financing”, Journal of Financial Stability, 15(dec. 2014) 2014, 182-194, with Boschi M. and Girardi A.; DOI:

“Patent Valuation Under Spatial Point Processes with Delayed and Decreasing Jump Intensity”, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2015, 15(2): 433-465 , DOI 10.1515/bejte-2013-0104, with R. Cerqueti. 

“On the coexistence of innovators and imitators”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2015, 90(part B), 487-496, with R. Cerqueti and F. Tramontana. DOI:

“Estimating the dose-response function through a GLM approach”, Stata Journal, 2014, 14(1) : 141-158, with B. Guardabascio.

“The Euro Changeover and Price adjustments in Italy” Applied Economics Letters, 2012; 19(4), 379-382, with A. Girardi. And G. Caporale.

“Sharing risk through concession contracts” European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 207(1), 363-370 with P.L. Scandizzo

“How to Protect Better Intellectual Property”, European Journal of Law and Economics, 2012, 33(2), 393-397 with S. Tenaglia

“Estimating the value of natural resources under legal constraints: an application to marine resources in Sicily” Applied Economics Letters, 2010,  17(4), 317-323 with P.L. Scandizzo

“The impact of Public Guarantees on Credit to SMEs” Small Business Economics, 2009, 32(2) 191-206, with Zecchini S.

Bids for the UMTS System: an Empirical Evaluation of the Italian case” Telecommunications Policy, 2006, 30(10/11) :517-632, with Scandizzo P.L.

Working papers

Co-payment exemption and health care consumption. Quasi-experimental evidence from Italy. University of Rome La Spaienza, Dept. of Economics and Law wp, no. 203.

Intended and unintended effects of public incentives for innovation. Quasi-experimental evidence for Italy. D.P. of Business and Economics University of Southern Denmark, Dept. of Business and Economics.  With G. Mellace

Differential Effects of Partial Credit Guarantee Schemes: a Dose-Response Function Approach. Documento di Valutazione N. 4. Impact Assessment office of the Senate of the Italian Republic

“Civic Capital and support for the Welfare State”. MPRA wp 71566. With F. Sabatini and R. Cerqueti 

“On the dynamics of innovators and imitators” con R. Cerqueti and F. Tramontana. MPRA w.p. 38949, 2012,  

“The Euro Changeover and Price adjustments in Italy” DIW Berlin DP 1114 and CesIfo wp 3386, March 2011. With G Caporale and A. Girardi.

“Estimates of the Sticky information Phillips Curve for the USA with the General to Specific Method” MPRA paper No. 28867, Feb. 2011. With A. Paradiso and R. B. Bhaskara. 

“The Effects of product Dropping on Firm’s productivity and Employment Composition”, Documenti di Lavoro ISAE n. 127/2010,with S. De Nardis

“A Discrete Model for Patent Valuation” Documenti di Lavoro ISAE, n.120/2009, with R. Cerqueti,57&vtkid

“A model of public and private partnership through concession contracts” Documenti di Lavoro ISAE, n.104/2008, with P.L. Scandizzo 

“Valuing environmental patents legal protection when data is not available” Documenti di Lavoro ISAE, n.103/2008, with Tenaglia S.

“Contingent valuation of natural resources: a case study for Sicily” Documenti di Lavoro ISAE, n.91/2008, with P.L. Scandizzo,57&vtkid=

“Macchinari del made in Italy  e dinamiche dei distretti industriali Documenti di Lavoro ISAE, n.74/2006, with G. Ferri,13&vtkid= 

“Public Credit Guarantees and SME Finance”. Documenti di Lavoro ISAE, n.73/2006, with Zecchini S.

“Bids for the UMTS System: an Empirical Evaluation of the Italian case”. Quaderni CEIS n.185/2003, with Scandizzo P.L. 

“Uso ottimale delle risorse naturali: project financing e valore d'opzione" w.p. Sichelgaita n.25/2001, with Scandizzo P.L.

Articles in Italian refereed journals

“On the benefits of industrial district re-specialization in machinery and equipment of typical Italian products” Studi e Note di Economia, 2007, 12(3), 345-368, with Ferri G.

“Euro Changeover and Inflation in Italy: the Empirical Evidence” Review of Economic Conditions in Italy, 2-2005, pp. 315-41, with Zecchini S.

“News e Inflazione: l’Italia all’avvento dell’euro”, Rivista di Politica Economica, 95(4/5) Maggio-Giugno 2005, 267-317, with Zecchini S.

“La liberalizzazione del commercio al dettaglio nelle regioni italiane, un tentativo di analisi economica”, Le Istituzioni del Federalismo, 2005, 26(2), 395-431.

“Teoria economica, rispetto delle regole ed etica”, Ricerche Teologiche, n. 1/2004, 15, 189-197

“Un approccio analitico al project financing con la teoria delle opzioni reali”, Il Risparmio, 52(1), genn-marzo 2004, 47-81, with Scandizzo P.L

“La TV Digitale tra Prospettive e Difficoltà di Implementazione”, Matrix, n. 3/2002, 87-105.

"Finanza, sistema normativo ed enforcement: un trinomio indissolubile", Sviluppo Economico, vol. 4(3) sett-dic 2000, 69-86.

Publications in edited volumes, reports, books and proceedings

“Metodologia per l’analisi dell’impatto delle misure”. In Rapporto al Parlamento sullo stato di attuazione della normativa a sostegno delle startup e delle PMI innovative. 2016 Cap 5, pag 137. 2015

“Riallocazione del lavoro e produttività”, in Imprese Italiane nella Competizione Internazionale, S. De Nardis (eds). Franco Angeli 2010, Milano. Ch 2, pp. 57-77.

“Innovazione e composizione della forza lavoro nelle imprese italiane”, In Rapporto ISAE, Le previsioni per l’economia italiana. Febbraio 2010.

“Cambiamenti di prodotto e di forza lavoro nelle imprese: effetti sulla performance aziendale”, In Rapporto Isae, Le previsioni per l’economia italiana. Luglio 2009 p. 65-69.

“Ristrutturazione, riallocazione del lavoro e produttività” in Rapporto ISAE, Le previsioni per l’economia italiana. Ciclo, Imprese, Lavoro. February 2009. With S. De Nardis.

“Protezione della Proprietà intellettuale e Sviluppo Economico”, in Rapporto ISAE, Priorità Nazionali: infrastrutture materiali e immateriali. Giugno 2008, 137-165.

“Stima della DAP e del valore delle risorse del Golfo di Castellammare” in La valutazione delle risorse ambientali. Approcci multidisciplinari al Golfo di Castellammare, V. Pipitone, A. Cognata (eds).  Franco Angeli editore, Milano, 2008, pp. 237-269

“Public Credit Guarantees and SME Finance” in  Proceedings of the Conference “Partial Credit Guarantee Schemes - Experiences and Lessons”, World Bank

“The Role Of State-Funded Credit Guarantee Schemes For SMEs: Italy’s  Experience” in The SME financing gap (Vol II): Proceedings of the Brasilia Conference 27-30 March 2006. OECD, April 2007, pp106-123,

“Crescita dimensionale e macchinari del Made in Italy”, cap. III in Rapporto Trimestrale ISAE Priorità Nazionali: dimensioni aziendali, competitività, regolamentazione. Parte Terza, dic 2005. With Ferri G.

“I media e l’inflazione in Italia”, in I media, l’Economia e la Pubblica Amministrazone, a cura di G. Pennisi, SSPA Edizioni, 2005, with Zecchini S.

“Democratic Legitimacy and Political representation in the EU Institutions”, with Espa E., Sciandra L. in Report on the State of the European Union, Edited by Fitoussi J.P., Padoa-Schioppa F., chapter 1, Palgrave 2005.

“Ancora Storia e Statistica della Polverizzazione aziendale”, cap I in Rapporto Trimestrale ISAE aprile 2004, with Espa E.

“Dimensione aziendale, attività di R&S e innovazione in Italia” cap III in Rapporto Trimestrale ISAE aprile 2004, with Tenaglia S.

“Storia e Statistica della Polverizzazione aziendale”, cap. I in Rapporto Trimestrale ISAE giugno 2003, with Espa E.

“Legittimità democratica e rappresentanza politica dei cittadini nelle istituzioni comunitarie”, cap. I in Rapporto Annuale sullo Stato dell’Unione Europea ISAE, giugno 2002, with Espa E. and Sciandra L.

“Legal System, Corporate Governance and Growth”. In Institutions and Growth: the Political Economy of international Unions and the Constitution of Europe. Collana Documenti CEIS, XIV Villa Mondragone International Seminar, 2002, with Caiazza S.

“La liberalizzazione del commercio al dettaglio: una prima verifica”, cap.V in Rapporto Trimestrale ISAE, aprile 2002, with Argiolas B.

“Il commercio Mondiale”, in Rapporto Annuale sul Commercio con l’Estero, ICE- 1999/2000, Capitolo 1, 2000.