Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile ed Ambientale
Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile ed Industriale
Sapienza Università di Roma
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma
Building A, 3rd Floor, stanza 1
Tel.: +39 06 44585128 (internal: 2-5128)
skype: gaetanofusco10
E-mail: gaetano.fusco@uniroma1.it
Gaetano Fusco is a Full Professor of Transport at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Roma “La Sapienza”, where he teaches “Traffic Engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems”. From 1992 to 2005 he was Assistant professor (Researcher) and from 2005 to 2022 Associate Professor at the same University.
Since October 2021 he is the President of the Master's Degree Course in Transport Systems Engineering Sapienza University.
From February 2021 to November 2024 he was the Director of the Interdepartmental Research Center for Transport and Logistics and the President of the Master's Degree in Transport Systems Engineering.
He is the national coordinator of the Spoke "Urban Mobility" of the National Center for Sustainable Mobility (MOST), an initiative that joins 24 universities, CNR and 24 large Italian companies with the mission of implementing modern, sustainable and inclusive solutions for the entire national territory.
Gaetano Fusco was the Principal investigator of several research projects funded by public and private companies and is participating in various national and international research projects.
His research activity, reported in about 90 papers published in the national and international scientific literature, has tackled numerous issues of transport systems engineering, as demand and supply models, methods and regulations for public transit planning and design; nevertheless, it has been mainly addressed to Intelligent Transportation Systems; in particular: models and methods for traffic signal coordination, traveller information systems design, modelling and detection of traffic incidents, traffic state forecasting.
Recent Publications:
An allocation-routing optimization model for integrated solid waste management. Hashemi-Amiri, O., Mohammadi, M., Rahmanifar, G., ...Fusco, G., Colombaroni, C. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 227, 120364.
Meta-heuristic aggregate calibration of transport models exploiting data collected in mobility. Colombaroni, C., Fusco, G., Isaenko, N. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2023, 13, 101039.
A dynamic approach for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem in waste management. Mohammadi, M., Rahmanifar, G., Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M., ...Colombaroni, C., Sherafat, A. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 184, 113526.
Heuristic approaches to address vehicle routing problem in the Iot-based waste management system. Rahmanifar, G., Mohammadi, M., Sherafat, A., ...Fusco, G., Colombaroni, C. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 220, 119708.
Networking Day of the Spoke 9 Urban Mobility of the National Center for Sustainable Mobility (MOST), Aula Magna of Sapienza University of Rome, 17 May 2023. Video Youtube