“60 PUBBLICAZIONI & 1 PARTITA DA RICORDARE” * (suddivise per argomenti di ricerca)

* cfr. B. Fischer “60 partite da ricordare”

a) Dispositivi a Microonde, Antenne e Propagazione, Teoria Elettromagnetica e Tecniche Numeriche

- a1) Guide e risonatori dielettrici per microonde e onde millimetriche

[01] F. Frezza, A. Galli, G. Gerosa, and P. Lampariello, “Studies on NRD filtering structures,” Ann. Telecommun., vol. 47, no. 11-12, pp. 545-547, Nov.-Dec. 1992.

[02] C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, A. Galli, G. Gerosa, and P. Lampariello, “A Boundary-Element-Method formulation for the electromagnetic coupling between dielectric waveguides and resonators,” Comput. Mech., vol. 13, pp. 45-54, Nov. 1993.

[03] C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, A. Galli, P. Lampariello, and A. A. Oliner, “Properties of NRD-guide and H-guide higher-order modes: physical and nonphysical ranges,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 2429-2434, Dec. 1994.

[04] C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, and A. Galli, “Full-wave modal analysis of arbitrarily-shaped dielectric waveguides through an efficient boundary-element-method formulation,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 2982-2990, Dec. 1995.

[05] F. Frezza, A. Galli, and P. Lampariello, “Coupling and quality factors in parallelepiped nonradiative dielectric resonators,” Int. J. Infrared Milli. Waves, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 137-152, Jan. 1996.

- a2) Antenne e array a onda leaky per applicazioni a microonde

[06] C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, A. Galli, G. Gerosa, and P. Lampariello, “Stepped leaky-wave antennas for microwave and millimeterwave applications,” Ann. Telecommun., vol. 52, no. 3-4, pp. 202-208, Mar.-Apr. 1997.

[07] P. Baccarelli, C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, A. Galli, and P. Lampariello, “Attractive features of leaky-wave antennas based on ferrite-loaded open waveguides,” Proc. 1997 IEEE AP-S Int. Symp., Montreal, Canada, pp. 1442-1445, Jul. 1997.

[08] C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, A. Galli, and P. Lampariello, “Rigorous evaluation of ohmic-loss effects for accurate design of traveling-wave antennas,” J. Electromagn. Waves Applicat., vol. 12, pp. 39-58, Jan. 1998.

[09] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, A. Galli, P. Lampariello, and G. Ruggieri, “Full-wave analysis of printed leaky-wave phased arrays,” Int. J. Radio-Freq. Microw. Computer-Aided Eng., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 272-287, May 2002.

[10] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, and P. Lampariello, “Novel modal properties and relevant scanning behaviors of phased arrays of microstrip leaky-wave antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 3228-3238, Dec. 2003.

[11] P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, and G. Schettini, “Synthesis of broad-beam patterns through leaky-wave antennas with rectilinear geometry,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 2, pp. 136-139, 2003.

[12] A. Galli, F. Frezza, and P. Lampariello, “Leaky-wave antennas,” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Radio-Frequency and Microwave Engineering, K. Chang Ed., Wiley, New York, U.S.A., pp. 2294-2303, Jan. 2005.

[13] A. Galli, P. Burghignoli, and P. Baccarelli, "Leaky-wave antennas," in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, J. Webster Ed., Wiley, New York, U.S.A., no. 1222, 20 pp., 2016.

- a3) Antenne stampate e array per sistemi UWB

[14] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, P. Lampariello, S. Paulotto, and G. Valerio, “Compact wide-band EBG-based filters for microstrip antenna design in harmonic-tuned transmitters,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 1343-1350, Jul. 2011.

[15] G. Valerio, S. Mazzocchi, A. Galli, M. Ciattaglia, and M. Zucca, “New configurations of low-cost dual-polarized printed antennas for UWB arrays,” Int. J. Antennas Propag., art. 786791, 10 pp., 2012.

[16] F. Mastrangeli, A. De Luca, G. Valerio, and A. Galli, “Low-cost dual-polarized printed antenna for multifunction phased-array radar,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 697-702, Mar. 2012.

[17] M. Zucca, M. Ciattaglia, R. Pintauro, G. Valerio, and A. Galli, “Versatile and efficient hybrid-ring architecture for advanced radar functionalities,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1663-1670, Jul. 2013.

- a4) Tecniche numeriche per strutture stampate e periodiche

[18] P. Burghignoli, L. Pajewski, F. Frezza, A. Galli, and G. Schettini, “Improved quadrature formulas for boundary integral equations with conducting or dielectric edge singularities,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 52, n. 2, pp. 373-379, Feb. 2004.

[19] G. Valerio, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, and A. Galli, “Comparative analysis of acceleration techniques for 2-D and 3-D Green’s functions in periodic structures along one and two directions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1630-1643, Jun. 2007.

[20] G. Valerio, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, A. Galli, R. Rodrìguez-Berral, and F. Mesa, “Analysis of periodic shielded microstrip lines excited by nonperiodic sources through the array scanning method,” Radio Sci., vol. 43, art. RS1009, 15 pp., Jan. 2008.

[21] G. Valerio, P. Baccarelli, S. Paulotto, F. Frezza, and A. Galli, “Regularization of mixed-potential layered-media Green’s functions for efficient interpolation procedures in planar periodic structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 122-134, Jan. 2009.

[22] G. Valerio, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, and A. Galli, “Input impedance of nonperiodic sources exciting 1-D periodic shielded microstrip structures,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 1796-1806, Jul. 2010.

[23] G. Valerio, S. Paulotto, P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, and A. Galli, “Accurate Bloch analysis of 1-D periodic lines through the simulation of truncated structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 2188-2195, Jun. 2011.

[24] G. Valerio, A. Galli, D. R. Wilton, and D. R. Jackson, “An enhanced integral-equation formulation for accurate analysis of frequency-selective structures,” Int. J. Microw. Wireless Technol., vol. 4, pp. 365-372, Jun. 2012.

[25] G. Valerio, D. R. Wilton, D. R. Jackson, and A. Galli, “Acceleration of mixed potentials from vertical currents in layered media for 2-D structures with 1D periodicity,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 3782-3793, Aug. 2012.

[26] D. Di Ruscio, P. Burghignoli, P. Baccarelli, D. Comite, and A. Galli, “Spectral method of moments for planar structures with azimuthal symmetry,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 2317-2322, Apr. 2014.

[27] G. Valerio, S. Paulotto, P. Baccarelli, D. R. Jackson, D. R. Wilton, W. A. Johnson, and A. Galli, “Efficient computation of 1-D periodic layered mixed potentials for the analysis of leaky-wave antennas with vertical elements,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 2396-2411, Jun. 2015.

- a5) Modellistica delle onde leaky in strutture planari

[28] P. Burghignoli, C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, A. Galli, and P. Lampariello, “Efficient description of impedance and radiation features in printed-circuit leaky-wave structures: an unconventional scattering-matrix approach,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 1661-1672, Oct. 2000.

[29] P. Burghignoli, P. Baccarelli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, P. Lampariello, and A. A. Oliner, “Low-frequency dispersion features of a new complex mode for a periodic strip grating on a grounded dielectric slab,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 49, no. 12, pp. 2197-2205, Dec. 2001.

[30] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, G. Lovat, and D. R. Jackson, “Approximate analytical evaluation of the continuous spectrum in a substrate-superstrate dielectric waveguide,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 2690-2701, Dec. 2002.

[31] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, G. Lovat, and D. R. Jackson, “Uniform analytical representation of the continuous spectrum excited by dipole sources in a multilayer dielectric structure through weighted cylindrical leaky waves,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 653-665, Mar. 2004.

[32] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, G. Lovat, and S. Paulotto, “Novel analytical representations of the continuous-spectrum current in multilayer stripline structures,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 17-27, Feb. 2005.

- a6) Modellistica di propagazione e radiazione in multistrati, mezzi complessi e metamateriali

[33] C. Di Nallo, F. Frezza, A. Galli, and G. Gerosa, “A convenient transmission-line formulation for wave propagation in typical ferrite structures,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 32, no 4, pp. 3228-3236, Jul. 1996.

[34] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, P. Lampariello, G. Lovat, and S. Paulotto, “Effects of leaky-wave propagation in metamaterial grounded slabs excited by a dipole source,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 32-44, Jan. 2005.

[35] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, P. Lampariello, G. Lovat, and S. Paulotto, “Modal properties of surface and leaky waves propagating at arbitrary angles along a metal strip grating on a grounded slab,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 36-46, Jan. 2005.

[36] P. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, P. Lampariello, G. Lovat, and S. Paulotto, “Fundamental modal properties of surface waves on metamaterial grounded slabs,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1431-1442, Apr. 2005.

[37] G. Valerio, D. R. Jackson, and A. Galli, “Fundamental properties of surface waves in lossless stratified structures,” Proc. Royal Soc. A, vol. 466, pp. 2447-2469, Mar. 2010.

[38] G. Valerio, D. R. Jackson, and A. Galli, “Formulas for the number of surface waves on layered structures,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 1786-1795, Jul. 2010.

- a7) Sistemi radianti riconfigurabili e focalizzanti basati su metasuperfici e grafene per microonde, onde millimetriche e THz

[39] D. Di Ruscio, P. Burghignoli, P. Baccarelli, and A. Galli, “Omnidirectional radiation in the presence of homogenized metasurfaces,” Progr. Electromagn. Res., vol. 150, pp. 145-161, 2015.

[40] W. Fuscaldo,·P. Burghignoli,·P. Baccarelli, and A. Galli, “Complex mode spectra of graphene-based planar structures for THz applications,” J. Infrared Milli. THz Waves, vol. 36, pp. 720-733, 2015.

[41] D. Comite, P. Burghignoli, P. Baccarelli, D. Di Ruscio, and A. Galli, “Equivalent-network analysis of propagation and radiation features in wire-medium loaded planar structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 63, no. 12, pp. 5573-5585, Dec. 2015.

[42] W. Fuscaldo, G. Valerio, A. Galli, R. Sauleau, A. Grbic, and M. Ettorre, “Higher-order leaky-mode Bessel-beam launcher,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 904-913, Mar. 2016.

[43] W. Fuscaldo, S. C. Pavone, G. Valerio, A. Galli, M. Albani, and M. Ettorre, “Analysis of limited-diffractive and limited-dispersive X-waves generated by finite radial waveguides, “ J. Applied Physics, vol. 119, no. 194903, 2016.

[44] W. Fuscaldo, P. Burghignoli, P. Baccarelli, and A. Galli, "A reconfigurable substrate-superstrate graphene-based leaky-wave THz antenna,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 15, pp. 1545-1549, 2016.

b) Applicazioni ambientali: Telerilevamento, Riscaldamento a Microonde e Bioelettromagnetismo

- b1) Tecniche TDR e GPR per applicazioni geofisiche e planetarie

[45] E. Pettinelli, A. Cereti, A. Galli, and F. Bella, “Time domain reflectometry: calibration techniques for accurate measurement of the dielectric properties of various materials,” Review Sci. Instrum., vol. 73, no. 10, pp. 3553-3562, Oct. 2002.

[46] G. Vannaroni, E. Pettinelli, C. Ottonello, A. Cereti, G. Della Monica, D. Del Vento, A. M. Di Lellis, R. Di Maio, R. Filippini, A. Galli, A. Menghini, R. Orosei, S. Orsini, S. Pagnan, F. Paolucci, A. R. Pisani, G. Schettini, M. Storini, and G. Tacconi, “MUSES: multi-sensor soil electromagnetic sounding,” Planetary Space Sci., vol. 52, pp. 67-78, 2004.

[47] E. Pettinelli, P. Burghignoli, A. R. Pisani, F. Ticconi, A. Galli, G. Vannaroni, and F. Bella, “Electromagnetic propagation of GPR signals in Martian subsurface scenarios including material losses and scattering,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 1271-1281, May 2007.

[48] E. Pettinelli, A. Di Matteo, S. E. Beaubien, E. Mattei, S. E. Lauro, A. Galli, and G. Vannaroni, “A controlled experiment to investigate the correlation between early-time signal attributes of ground-coupled radar and soil dielectric properties,” J. Appl. Geophys., vol. 101, pp. 68-76, Feb. 2014.

[49] D. Comite, A. Galli, S. E. Lauro, E. Mattei, and E. Pettinelli, “Analysis of GPR early-time signal features for the evaluation of soil permittivity through numerical and experimental surveys,” IEEE J. Selec. Topics Applied Earth Observ. Remote Sens., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 178-187, Jan. 2016.

- b2) Scattering diretto e inverso per applicazioni radar

[50] G. Valerio, A. Galli, P. M. Barone, S. E. Lauro, E. Mattei, and E. Pettinelli, “GPR detectability of rocks in a Martian-like shallow subsoil: A numerical approach,” Planetary Space Sci., vol. 62, pp. 31-40, 2012.

[51] F. Soldovieri, I. Catapano, P. M. Barone, S. E. Lauro, E. Mattei, E. Pettinelli, G. Valerio, D. Comite, and A. Galli, “GPR estimation of the geometrical features of buried metallic targets in testing conditions,” Progress Electromagn. Res. B, vol. 49, pp. 339-362, Mar. 2013.

[52] S. E. Lauro, E. Mattei, P. M. Barone, E. Pettinelli, G. Vannaroni, G. Valerio, D. Comite, and A. Galli, “Estimation of subsurface dielectric target depth for GPR planetary exploration: Laboratory measurements and modeling,” J. Appl. Geophys., vol. 93, pp. 93-100, Apr. 2013.

[53] A. Galli, D. Comite, I. Catapano, G. Gennarelli, F. Soldovieri, and E. Pettinelli, “3D imaging of buried dielectric targets with a tomographic microwave approach applied to GPR synthetic data,” Int. J. Antennas Propag., art. 610389, 10 pp., 2013.

[54] M. T. Falconi, D. Comite, A. Galli, D. Pastina, P. Lombardo, and F.S. Marzano, “Forward Scatter Radar for air surveillance: characterizing the target-receiver transition from far-field to near-field regions,” Remote Sens., vol. 9, no. 50, 22 pp., 2017.

- b3) Riscaldamento elettromagnetico per fusione di plasmi

[55] R. Cesario, L. Amicucci, A. Cardinali, C. Castaldo, M. Marinucci, L. Panaccione, F. Santini, O. Tudisco, M. L. Apicella, G. Calabrò, C. Cianfarani, D. Frigione, A. Galli, G. Mazzitelli, C. Mazzotta, V. Pericoli, G. Schettini, A. A. Tuccillo, and the FTU Team, “Current drive at plasma densities required for thermonuclear reactors,” Nature Comm., vol. 1, no. 5, 8 pp., Aug. 2010.

[56] R. Cesario, L. Amicucci, C. Castaldo, M. Kempenaars, S. Jachmich, J. Mailloux, O. Tudisco, A. Galli, A. Krivska, and JET-EFDA contributors, “Plasma edge density and lower hybrid current drive in JET (Joint European Torus),” Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion, vol. 53, no. 8, 085011, 11 pp., Jun. 2011.

[57] R. Cesario, L. Amicucci, A. Cardinali, C. Castaldo, M. Marinucci, F. Napoli, F. Paoletti, D. De Arcangelis, M. Ferrari, A. Galli, G. Gallo, E. Pullara, G. Schettini, and A. A. Tuccillo, “Spectral broadening of parametric instability in lower hybrid current drive at a high density,” Nucl. Fusion, vol. 54, art. 043002, 18 pp., Mar. 2014.

- b4) Modellistica bioelettromagnetica a livello di sistemi cellulari

[58] G. d’Inzeo, A. Galli, and A. Palombo, “Further investigations on non-thermal effects referring to the interaction between ELF fields and transmembrane ionic fluxes,” Bioelectrochem. & Bioenerg., vol. 30, pp. 93-102, Mar. 1993.

[59] B. Bianco, A. Chiabrera, G. d’Inzeo, A. Galli, and A. Palombo, “Comparison between ‘classical’ and ‘quantum’ modeling of bioelectromagnetic interaction mechanisms,” in Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, M. Blank Ed., San Francisco Press, U.S.A, pp. 537-539, Jul. 1993.

[60] G. d’Inzeo, A. Galli, and A. Palombo, “Matching between theoretical and experimental data for ELF ion transport effects,” Med. & Biol. Engin. & Comput., vol. 31, pp. 80-86, Jul. 1993.

[*] Extra