My Recent Publications

A. Books

-Development The Re-Balancing of Economic Powers,Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2018.

-The Palestinian Economy-Theoretical and Practical Challenges,with Fadi Kattan and Marco Missaglia editors, Pavia University Press, Pavia 2010.

-L’università e i giovani per la cooperazione e la pace, with E. Colombo and F. Miglietta editors, Proceedings of the First Conference of CUCS, University Centre for Cooperation and Development, Milano 2010.

-Economic Development and Social Change-Historical roots and modern perspectives, with George Stathakis editors Routledge, London and New York, 2006.

-A Concise History of Economic Thought – From Mercantilism to Monetarism, with Peter D. Groenewegen, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2003.

-Il pensiero economico - dal mercantilismo al monetarismo, with Peter D. Groenewegen), Carocci Editore, Rome, 2002.

- Employment, Technology and Institutions in the Process of Structural Change – A History of Economic Thought Perspective, with Pier Luigi Porta editors, Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Working Paper Series, WP n. 51, July 2002.

-From the Debt Crisis to Sustainable Development, editor, Macmillan, London, 1993.

-The Economics of Francois Quesnay, Macmillan, London, 1987.

B. Papers in Journals

“The rich and the poor: A note on countries’ classification”,PSL Quarterly Review, vol. 70 n. 279 (March, 2017), 59-82.

“Why Gross National Disposable Income should Replace Gross National Income”, with Clara Capelli Development and Change, volume 47, N°2, March 2016.

“Making the Sustainable Development Goals work”, International Journal of Cooperation & Development,Vol. 3 – No 2 (2016): 34-58,DOI

“On The Sustainabilityof External Debt: Is Debt Relief Enough?”, with Annalisa Prizzon,Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 38, n.5, 1155-1169, September 2014,doi:10.1093/cje/bet039.

“A Post-Keynesian model of the Palestinian Economy- The Economics of an Investment-Constrained Economy”, Review of Political Economy, with Alberto Botta, vol. 24, n. 2, 203-226, April 2012.

“Gli aiuti servono ancora”, Lettera IRPET, Numero 48, Marzo 2008.

“Economic and Financial Instability: Lessons from the Asian Crisis”, in International Financial Systems and Stocks Volatility: Issues and Remedies, edited by Nidal R. Sabri, The International Review of Comparative Public Policy, Vol. 13, Elsevier Science Ltd. 2002.

“Quesnay and the Road to Modernity: Technology, Markets and Polity”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, March 2002.

“Pauvres Paysans, pauvres royaume: storia e analisi in Quesnay”, Rivista di Storia Economica., il Mulin, Bologna, 2001.

“Europe and Turkey: possible strategies for partnership”, Il Politico, Pavia 2000.

“Adam Smith and the Economic Policy of Laissez Faire", in History of Economic Ideas, n. ½, 1996.

“The limits of Physiocracy and Smith's fortune”, Economies et Sociétés, Série Oeconomia, n. 1/2, 1995.

“The Theory of Wealth, the Ancien Régime and the Physiocratic Experiment”, International Journal of New Ideas, n. 2, 1992.

(with G.Lunghini and G.Rampa) "The Age of Waste- Some Ideas on Full Employment", Economie Appliquée, n. 1-2, 1989.

"Social Classes and Income Distribution in Eighteenth Century Economics", History of European Ideas, vol. 9, n. 2, 1988.

"Pasinetti e la teoria macroeconomica del lungo periodo", Note Economiche, n. 3, 1987.

"The Role of Profits in Physiocratic Economics", History of Political Economy, n. 3, Fall 1985.

"A Physiocratic Model of Relative Prices and Income Distribution", The Economic Journal, n.380, vol. 95, Dicembre 1985.

"The Physiocratic Theory of Prices", Contributions to Political Economy, 1983.

"Surplus and effective demand in Physiocracy", Studi Economici, n. 18, 1982.

“The Unit of Measure of Wages, the Production Function and Switching of Techniques", Australian Economic Papers, 1978.

C. Some papers in books and proceedings

“Growth Diagnostic: The case of Palestine”, with Chiara Marazzi and Angelica Vitali, in Gianni Vaggi Fadi Kattan and Marco Missaglia (editors), The Palestinian Economy-Theoretical and Practical Challenges, Pavia University Press, Pavia 2010.

“The learning and practice of development cooperation- Preliminary ideas for teaching and for practice of university”in L’università e i giovani per la cooperazione e la pace, edited by G. Vaggi, E. Colombo and F. Miglietta, Proceedings of the First Conference of CUCS, Milano 2010.

“The European Union Enlargement and its influence on the economic relations between the EU and MENA Countries”, with Marco Missaglia in Regional Economic Policyedited by R. Bar-El G. Benhayoun and E. Moustier, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2006.

“The Social-Economic man of Adam Smith – or the Macrofoundations of Microeconomics” in History and Political Economy: Essays in Honour of P.D.Groenewegen, edited by T. Asproomourgos, P. Kriesler e J. Lodewijks, Routledge, London, 2004.

“Structural Change and Social Transformation in Physiocracy”, in Political Events and Economic Ideas edited by V. Caspari for the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, E. Elgar, Cheltenham UK, 2004.

A Comment on Eltis, in Exogeneity and Endogeneity in the History of Economic Thought and in Modern Policy. Symposium fur Karl Hauser, edited by Bertram Schefold, Centre for Financial Studies, Marburg, Metropolis. 2002.

”At the foot of the Himalayas: India from the “Hindu equilibrium, to an Asian regional power?”, with Paolo Panico, in Weber M. editor, After the Asian Crises: Perspectives on Global Politics and Economics, Macmillan Basingstoke, 1999

“La crisi delle ‘tigri’ in Asia orientale”, Asia Major 1998, a cura di Giorgio Borsa, il Mulino, Bologna 1998

"Teorie della Ricchezza dal Mercantilismo a Smith", in Teoria del Valore, della Distribuzione e dei Prezzi, edited by G. Lunghini, UTET, Turin 1993.

"The Classical Concept of Profit Revisited", in Perspectives in the History of Thoughtvol. 3, edited by D. Moogridge, Edward Elgar, 1990.

"A Two-Sector Four Class Model", in Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of the International Economic Association, vol. 3, edited by S. Chakravarty, Macmillan, London, 1989.

Entries: Advances, Necessaries, Physiocrats, Quesnay, Produit Net, Market Price, Natural Price, The New Palgrave-Dictionary of Economic Theory and Doctrine, Macmillan, London, 1987.

D. Some monographs and essays

Europa e Africa: una partnership complessa, Aggiornamenti Sociali, anno 60, marzo 2009.

L’economia, la terra e la pace, Economia e politica, 10, febbraio 2009.

Dalla moneta in Adam Smith ai derivati, ovvero la finanza e la produzione di ricchezza, Associazione per lo Sviluppo degli Studi di Banca e Borsa, Quaderno n. 28, Milano 2008.

Asymmetries and economic interaction between Israel and Palestine, with Sara Baroud,Working papers series of the Department of Political Economy and Quantitative Methods, n. 173, Pavia, April 2005.

Visions of Europe and Africa, Conference proceedings, with A. Evans, CICOPS, Pavia, 2007.

Foreign Financing, Trade and Development; Lessons for the EU, paper presented at the University of Malta-EADI Conference on ‘The EMU and the new Member States: some Lessons for and from the Developing World’, April 2004.

Trade and Sustainable Finance for Development, WIDER Discussion Paper n° 2002/64, July, Helsinki.

Debt sustainability and the financing of the HIPC initiative, European School of Advanced Studies in Co-operation and Development, Pavia 2000.

Europe and its Neighbours, Quaderni delDipartimento di Economia Politica e Metodi Quantitativi, n. 4, 1997.

"Riduzione di orario, occupazione ed inflazione: un'analisi", with S. Salzano, in I tempi dei metalmeccanici: desideri e realtà, edited by M. Bigatti, Meta Edizioni, Milan, 1992.

"Italian Public Enterprises. An exportable success story?", paper presented at the National Workshop on Economic Recovery Programme, Lagos, Nigeria, January 1990.

"Produzione", Dizionario di Economia Politica, edited by G. Lunghini and M. D'Antonio, vol. 12, Boringhieri, Turin, 1987.

Salari, Profitti e Scelta delle Tecniche-Il mutamento dei metodi di produzione nell'analisi di Sraffa, Research Series, Padua, 1977.

Alcuni problemi circa l'unità di misura del salario, ISEDI, Milan, 1976.