Education and Professional Experiences


From June 2024 - Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia;

From December 2023 - President of the Italian Health Economics Association.


June 2021 - June 2024 Scientific Project Officer - Quantitative Policy Analyst on Impact Evaluation, Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation (CC-ME), Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission, Ispra (VA).

June 2019-May 2021 Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia;

April 2016- May 2019 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia;

December 2011 - April 2016 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice;

October 2011 - April 2012 Alan Williams Visiting Fellow, Centre for Health Economics, University of York;

May 2007- December 2011 Research Fellow, Public Choice Department, University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria.


2004-2008 Ph.D in Economics, Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Turin. Ph.D. Dissertation title: “On the Determinants of Human Health: An Economic Perspective”. Supervisor: Proff. Ugo Colombino & Gilberto Turati. Committee: Proff. Agar Brugiavini, Marco Leonardi, Vittorio Valli.

2003- 2004 Master in Economics, CORIPE Piemonte (University of Turin, Turin, Italy).

1998- 2003 Bachelor in Political Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria, Italy. Final mark 110/110 cum laude, print worthy. Dissertation title: “Regolazione dei Prezzi o delle Quantità: il Modello di Weitzman Alcuni Sviluppi”). Supervisor: Prof. Mario Ferrero.


AIES (Italian Association of Health Economics), SIEP (Italian Society of Public Economics), EuHEA ( European Health Economics Association), SEHO (Society of Economics of the Household).

External Member of the HEDG (Health, Econometrics and Data Group), Centre for Health Economics, University of York.


2019 Visiting professor at the Paris School of Economics.

2011 Visiting researcher at the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, after being awarded the Alan Williams Fellowship from the same institution.

2007 Visiting PhD Student, Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ)- Department of Human Health, Rockville, MD (U.S.A).

2004 Summer course: "Recent Developments in Empirical Industrial Organization" (Michael Waterson, Warwick University), LISBON - ISEG- Istituto Superior de Economia e Gestao.



2022 Training to officials of the European Commission on Counterfactual Impact Evaluation Methods - Joint Research Centre, European Commission;

2019-2021 Microeconomics; University of Pavia;

2017- 2020 Health Economics (in English), University of Pavia;

2020-2021 Applied Economics Methods (in English), PhD in Applied Economics and Management (AEM), University of Pavia and Bergamo;

2020 Master in Health Economics and Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, lecture on healthcare systems;

2018-2020 Master Hospitals Management, University of Bergamo, lectures on health economics;

2020  Master “Advance Pharmaco & Health Economics” (APHEC), University of Genoa, lectures on aging;

2019 Master “Advance Pharmaco & Health Economics” (APHEC), University of Genoa, lectures on healthcare systems;

2018 Master “Advance Pharmaco & Health Economics” (APHEC), University of Genoa, lectures on health inequality;

2016-2018 Master in Economics, Organization and Management of Healthcare Purchasing, University of Pavia, lectures on health economics and population aging;

2017-2018 Health Economics, Policy and Management (in English), PhD in Applied Economics and Management (AEM), University of Pavia and Bergamo;

2017 Master “Advance Pharmaco & Health Economics” (APHEC), University of Genoa, lectures on health econometrics;

2016-2018 Public Economics, University of Pavia;

2016 Welfare Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;

2012-2016 Economics of Art and Culture, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;

 2014-2017 Master in Health Economics and Politics at Consortium for Research and Continuing Education in Economics – CORIPE, University of Turin, lectures on health economics, health production, health insurance and pharmaceutical industry;

2015 Lectures on pharmaceutical industry, AbbVie pharmaceutical company (Milan and Rome) in collaboration with University of Milano- Bicocca;

2013-2015 Master in Health Economics and Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, lectures on pharmaceutical industry, health insurance, and population aging;

2014-2015 Master in Market Access in Life Science, University of Milano- Bicocca, lectures on pharmaceutical economics;

2014 Master in Public Administration, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, lectures on health economics, health econometrics;

2013- 2014 Lectures on Pharmaceutical Industry, Bristol-Myers and Merck pharmaceutical company (Milan and Rome);

2012 Master in Health Science, Patients Academy project, promoted by Pfizer pharmaceutical company  and Catholic University of Sacred Heart (Rome), lecture on Healthcare Systems;

2012  Public Finance, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;

2011 Health Economics, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan;

2008-2011 Public Economics, University of Turin;

2007-2008 Advanced Macroeconomics (Growth Theory), University of Eastern Piedmont.

PhD Supervisor

2020- 2023 Caterina Sturaro “Three Essays in Applied Econonics ”, PhD in Applied Economics and Management, University of  Bergamo andPavia. 

2020- 2023 Sara Maria Barbani “The Impact of the Affordable Care Act and Climate Changes on Americans' Mental Health and Well-being”, PhD in Applied Economics and Management, University of  Bergamo and Pavia. 

2018- 2020 Francesca Garbuglia “Decision making under uncertainty: state dependent utility functions and applications on health outcomes”, PhD in Applied Economics and Management, University of  Bergamo and Pavia. 

PhD Committee as External Examiner 

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in "Methods and Models for Economic Decisions ", Insubria University(November, 2022);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in "Economics ", Catholic University of the Sacred Heart or Catholic University of Milan (May, 2021);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in "Economics ", University of Genoa (February, 2021);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in "Economics ", Ca' Foscari University of Venice (February, 2020);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in“ Economia e Politiche dei Mercati e delle Imprese (Economia del Settore Pubblico), University of Salerno (March, 2019);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in Management Engineering at Politecnico of  Turin (October, 2018);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in "Economics", LASER, University of Milan (May, 2017);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in "Economics ", Ca' Foscari University of Venice (February, 2017);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in "Economics law and institutions", IUSS, Pavia (December, 2015);

External examiner in the examination committee of the Phd Programme in "Institutions Economics Law" - Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Turin) (March, 2012).

Administrative Experience 

2018-2021 Member of the Administrative Board of the Fondazione Romagnosi (Scuola di Governo Locale – Pavia),  as representative of the University of Pavia; 

2017-2021 Member of the Department’s Web Communication Committee, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia;

2016-2017 Member of the Department’s Space Planning Committee, Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia.

Professional Service 

2024 -2027 Member of the Executive Committee of the Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO);

2017- current  Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Journal of Health Policy (Politiche Sanitarie);

2019-current Member of the Scientific Committee of  the “Advance Pharmaco & Health Economics” (APHEC) research centre, University of Genoa;

2020 - 2023  Member of the Italian Health Economics Association’s Board of Directors;

2020-2023 Member of the Executive Committee of the Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO);

2017-2021 Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD in Applied Economics and Management University of Pavia and University of Bergamo;

2016-2021 Member of the Regional Commission for Healthcare Reform (Regione Liguria);

2019 Member of Projects Evaluation Committee - Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Turin (with specific reference to projects which analyse issues related to population ageing, health and long term care);

2014- 2017 Member of the Italian Health Economics Association’s Board of Directors;

2014- 2016 Member of the Research Group born from the collaboration between Regione Veneto and Ca' Foscari University of Venice for monitoring the  healthcare spending and healthcare services;

2012-2016 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Master in Health Economics and Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Editorial Activities

2022 - Guest Editor for the special issue of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (JEBO) on Aging & Health: the Sustainability and Equity Trade-off.

Reviewing Activities: Health Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,  Labour Economics, Social Science & Medicine, European Journal of Health Economics, Economics and Human Biology, Health Policy, SSM - Mental Health, Review of Economics of the Household, Review of Industrial Organization, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Empirical Economics, Plos One, Regional Studies, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Eurasian Economic Review, Social Indicators Research, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, Journal of Socio-economics, International Journal of Social Economics, Economics Modelling, European Journal of Comparative Economics, Economics Bulletin, Economic Issues, European Journal of Cancer Care, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Review for Evaluation and Program Planning, Oxford Development Studies, Discover Social Science and Health, Research in Economics, Economia e Politica Industriale, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti (The Journal of the Italian Economic Association), Politiche Sanitarie, Economia Pubblica, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali.

Grant assessment: Swiss National Science Foundation "Sinergia" projects; BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants  (which supports primary research in the humanities and social sciences); Sapienza University of Rome.

Member of the scientific committee: 2025 Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO) Annual Conference (Zaragoza); 2024 European Health Economics Association Annual Congress (Vienna University); 2022 Empirical Health Economics Workshop (Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Ispra); 2021 Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO) Annual Conference (Boston Univeristy);  the Advance Pharmaco & Health Economics (APHEC) workshop 2019, 2021 (Genoa University); the Italian Health Economics Association Annual Conference 2020 (Bocconi University), 2017 (University of Pavia), 2014 (Ca'Foscari University of Venice); the Italian Public Economics Association Annual Conference 2017 (University of Catania); the European Health Economics Association 2016 Annual Congress (Maastricht University); the International Health Economics Association 2015 (Bocconi University).


2007-2018 Collaborator - newsletter "Economia e Salute" (, Consortium for Research and Continuing Education in Economics (CORIPE) - University of Turin;

2011 Collaborator of IREN Acqua Gas and University of Genoa for the project “PREPARED enabling change” (The Determinants of Residential Water Demand: A Panel Data Analysis of Water Consumption) within the context of the Seventh Framework Programme “Environment”;

2009-2010 Collaborator of the Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology Department, University of Turin, for the project “An Environmentally-safe Step Towards a Formalin-free Hospital”;

2008-2010 Member of the Health Technology Assessment Committee, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, University of Turin;

2004- 2005 Tutor- Summer School in Applied Environmental and Regulatory Economics, “Fondazione per l'Ambiente Beppe Fenoglio”, University of Turin, University of Eastern Piedmont


2006 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Venice;

2007 International Institute of Public Finance Annual Conference, Warwick;

2007 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Florence;

2008 7th European Conference on Health Economics, Rome; 

2009 Seminar at University of Urbino, presentation title “I predittori della soddisfazione dei pazienti e del personale nei Servizi Socio-Sanitari attraverso l’utilizzo del Modello CART (Classification and Regression Trees)”;

2009 University of Eastern Piedmont, European Workshop in Law, Economics and Collective Decision Making;

2009 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Bergamo;

2010 The Economic and Social Implications of Health and Safety at Work, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano;

2010 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Coripe Piemonte- Moncalieri (Turin) (member of the scientific and organizing committee);

2010 Italian Society of Public Economics annual conference, Pavia;

2011 Seminar at Polytechnic University of Turin, paper presented “The Influence of Traffic-related Pollution on Individuals' Life-Style: Results from the BRFSS”;

2011 The 10th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet Conference in Public Economics (Marseille) ;

2011 Workshop “PREPARED enabling change”, within the context of the Seventh Framework Programme “Environment”; presentation title: “The Determinants of Residential Water Demand: A Panel Data Analysis of Water Consumption”, Berlin;

2012 Seminar at the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, paper presented “Well-being and psychological consequences of temporary contracts: the case of younger Italian employees”;

2012 Italian SHARE Users' Conference, Venice (member of the scientific and organizing committee);;

2012 Italian Society of Economics annual conference, Matera;

2012 Italian Society of Public Economics annual conference, Pavia;

2013 International Institute of Public Finance Annual Conference, Taormina;

2013 Italian Society of Public Economics annual conference, Pavia;

2013 Italian  Health Economics Association annual conference, Rome;

2013 Seminar at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Economics (Ancona), paper presented “Is caring for elderly parents detrimental for women’s mental health? The influence of the European North-South gradient”;

2013 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Trento;

2014 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Venezia (member of the scientific and organizing committee);

2014 Seminar at the University of Lugano, Institute of Economics (IdEP), paper presented “Is caring for elderly parents detrimental for women’s mental health? The influence of the European North-South gradient”;

2015 XII Workshop of Public Economics at Regional and Local Level (PEARL), Alessandria; 

2015 International Health Economics Association annual conference, Milan;

2015 International Association for Research in Economic Psychology Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics and International Confederation for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology Joint International Conference, Sibiu, Transylvania;

2015 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Alghero;

2015 International Annual Research Conference, Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow;

2016 Seminar at the Ca' Foscari School for International Education. Seminar title “Viaggio nel Sistema Sanitario Americano”;

2016 Italian Society of Public Economics annual conference, Lecce;

2016 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Bologna;

2016 Seminar at the Senato della Repubblica(Master Valutazione delle Politiche Pubbliche). Seminar title: "Sistemi Sanitari a Confronto: tra Riforme e Diseguaglianze", Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome;

2016 Seminar at the Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering, University of Bergamo, paper presented "Do healthcare tax credits help poor healthy individuals on low incomes?";

2017  Festival dell’ Economia, “La Salute Diseguale”, Trento.

2017 Western Economic Association International 92nd Annual Conference, San Diego California (US);

2017 Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO), San Diego State University, San Diego California (US);

2017 Seminar at the Summer School in Applied Health Econometrics and Health Policy, University of Bergamo. Seminar Title: “Inequity in healthcare”;

2017 Italian Society of Public Economics annual conference, Catania;

2017 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Pavia (member of the scientific and organizing committee);

2018 Seminar at the Senato della Repubblica (Master Valutazione delle Politiche Pubbliche). Seminar title: "Economia e Salute: Tra Modelli, Riforme e Diseguaglianze", Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome;

2018 Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO) annual conference, Paris;

2018 European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) conference, Maastricht;

2018 Seminar at the Summer School in Applied Health Econometrics and Health Policy, University of Bergamo. Seminar Title: “Inequity in healthcare”;

2018 Italian Society of Public Economics annual conference, Padova;

2018 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Napoli;

2019  Haematology Conference on Multiple Myeloma “Mieloma 3.0 – Risultati Ottenuti e Obiettivi Futuri”, Milano.  Title of the talk: “Diritto alla Salute: fra Sostenibilità e Innovazione” (invited as Keynote Speaker);

2019 Seminar at the Department of Economics, University of Modena, paper presented“The Smoking Epidemic Across Generations, Gender and Educational Groups: A Matter of Diffusion of Innovations”;

2019  Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO) annual conference, Lisbon;

2019 Seminar at the Senato della Repubblica (Master Valutazione delle Politiche Pubbliche). Seminar title: "Economia e Salute: Tra Modelli, Riforme e Diseguaglianze", Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome;

2019 Seminar at the Summer School in Applied Health Econometrics and Health Policy, University of Bergamo. Seminar Title: “Inequity in healthcare”.

2019  APHEC (AdvancePharmaco&HealthEconomics) First International Workshop on  "Sustaining Innovation, containing costs and providing equity in health care" Genova.

2019 Seminar at the CSEF (Centro interuniversitario di Studi in Economia e Finanza),  Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, seminar title "Older Patients and Geographic Barriers To Pharmacy Access: When Non-adherence Translates in an Increased Use of Other Components of Healthcare";

2020 Seminar at Cergas (Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management),  Bocconi University, paper presented "Older Patients and Geographic Barriers To Pharmacy Access: When Non-adherence Translates in an Increased Use of Other Components of Healthcare";

2020 VERA Workshop on Applied Health and Risk Economics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Economics.

2020 CRILDA (Centro di ricerca sul Lavoro “Carlo Dell'Aringa"),  Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (MIlan) paper presented "Older Patients and Geographic Barriers To Pharmacy Access: When Non-adherence Translates in an Increased Use of Other Components of Healthcare" (virtual);

2021 Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO) annual conference, Boston University (virtual);

2021 Italian Society of Public Economics annual conference, University of Bari (virtual);

2021 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Bocconi University, Milan;

2022 Joint Research Centre, European Commission (Ispra),  Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation (CC-ME) internal seminar;  seminar title "The Role of Employment Protection Legislation Regimes in Shaping the Impact of Job Disruption on Older Workers’ Mental Health in Times of COVID-19" (virtual); 

2022 II biannual workshop of the LABORatorio Riccardo Revelli," Technological changes, health, inequality and data for policy evaluation", Turin (virtual);

2022 Research Group on the Analysis of Economic Policies (GRAPE) discussion group, National Research Council of Italy;  paper presented "The Role of Employment Protection Legislation Regimes in Shaping the Impact of Job Disruption on Older Workers’ Mental Health in Times of COVID-19" (virtual);

2022 University of Oxford, Health Economics seminar; seminar title: "The Role of Employment Protection Legislation Regimes in Shaping the Impact of Job Disruption on Older Workers’ Mental Health in Times of COVID-19" (virtual);

2022 Empirical Health Economics Workshop (EHEW) -  Joint Research Centre, European Commission (Ispra);

2022 Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economics, University of Salerno;

2022 Seminar at the University of Verona - Department of Economics;  seminar title: "Does labour protection influence mental-health responses to employment shocks? Evidence on older workers in Europe";

2022 Invited talk, University of Genoa - Department of Economics: " I driver dei consumi sanitari tra diseguaglianza e  invecchiamemento della popolazione";

2022  Workshop on State Aid Transparency and Evaluation, European Commission (Brussels);

2023 Workshop "Understanding Inequalities: New Evidence and Open Questions" - Catholic University of Milan;

2023 Seminar at the University of Bergamo - Department of Economics;  seminar title: "Does labour protection influence mental-health responses to employment shocks? Evidence on older workers in Europe";

2023 APHEC (AdvancePharmaco&HealthEconomics) Third International Workshop on "Equity and Sustainability in the Health Care Market: Socio-economic Analysis of Governance and Reforms" Genova;

2023 Italian Society of Public Economics annual conference, University of Verona;

2023 Workshop on "Health needs and resources: Allocation and measurement issues", University of Urbino;

2023 Italian Health Economics Association annual conference, Sapienza University, Rome;

2024  Seminar at the Paris Dauphine University,  LEDa, Laboratoire d’Economie de Dauphine;  seminar title: "Online health information seeking behaviour, healthcare access and health status during exceptional times";

2024  Seminar at the Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali ed Economiche, Sapienza Università di Roma. seminar title "Online Health Information Seeking Behavior: Navigating Anxiety, Misdiagnosis, and Healthcare Access in the COVID-19 Era";

2024 European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) conference, Vienna;

2024 Workshop "Digitalizzazione umana: dati, economia ed etica per una visione futura del SSN", Altems Advisory, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome.


2020 ABIOGEN PHARMA S.p.A. Project Title "The economic and social burden of osteoporosis" (2500 euro) - head of the research unit;

2018 Cariplo Financial Support for the project “Time to Care: Supporting Formal and Informal Caregiving as Related Network” (195.000 euro) – head of the local unit (University of Pavia);

2017 Finanziamento Annuale Individuale delle Attività Base di Ricerca (FFABR) (3.000 euro); 

2015 Grants for the participation to the meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Groningen, Netherlands (1.000 euro);

2013 FarmaFactoring Foundation Financial Support for the project “Explaining Inequalities in Health and Healthcare Access: the Role of Regional Differences in Healthcare Services and Expenditure”(10.000 euro) –  head of the local unit;

2011 FarmaFactoring Foundation Financial Support for the project “The Impact of the North-South Gradient on the Informal Caregivers Mental and Physical Health in Italy”(17.000 euro) – principal investigator.


2020 FarmaFactoring Foundation Prize for the best-published paper in Health Economics;

2014 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice award for the quality of teaching;

2011 FarmaFactoring Foundation Prize for the best-published paper in Health Economics; 

2011 Alan Williams Fellowship, Centre for Health Economics, University of York;

2009 Italian Health Economics Association Prize for the best paper by young author, 14th Annual Conference, Bergamo ;

2003-2007 Phd Scholarship “Compagnia di San Paolo”- Torino.