ICAN -- Iowa College Access Network

Website is:    http://www.icansucceed.org/


 ICAN has an office in Council Bluffs now.  It is on the IWCC Campus.  



You've heard the saying "the right tool for the job." Easy enough when you're pounding a nail, but what tool do you use to succeed in high school and college? That's where ICAN's services come in. We provide tools and resources to help students with all aspects of planning and preparing for the academic, social and financial aspects of life after high school.


Development and Implementation

ICAN attends conferences, works with professional organizations surrounding admissions and financial aid, as well as researches and reviews current studies on employment expectations, education trends and the topics today's students need to know the most about to be successful in both college and their career. ICAN works closely with school administrators, counselors, college access groups, community and business leaders and foundations to provide information and services that are: