
Refereed Journal Articles:

  1. Heath, D., Singh R. Ganesh J. and Taube, L. (2013), Thought Leadership Strategy through Strategic Engagement in Social Media. Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, 12 (2).

  2. Khanlarian, C., and Singh, R. (2013). An Exploratory Longitudinal Study of Web-Based Homework. Issues in Accounting Education, forthcoming.

  3. Babu, Rakesh and Singh, Rahul (2013) , Enhancing Learning Management Systems Utility for Blind Students: A Task-oriented, User-Centered, Multi-Method Evaluation Technique, Journal of Information Technology Education: Research Vol. 12 1 – 32

  4. Dai, Hua, Wen, K. W., Singh Rahul and Iyer, Lakshmi (2012) An integrative framework mobile commerce consumers' privacy concerns and willingness to use: an empirical study, International Journal of Electronic Business 10 (1), 79-100

  5. Dai, Hua, Singh Rahul and Iyer, Lakshmi (2012) An investigation of Consumer’s Security and Privacy Perceptions in Mobile Commerce. Journal of Information Systems Security, Forthcoming.

  6. Thambusamy, R. and Singh, Rahul (2011). Design of a Secure Electronic Medical Records Process using Secure Activity Resource Coordination., Journal of Information Systems Security, Vol 7 Issue 2.

  7. Nath, A. & Singh, R. (2010). Evaluating the Performance and Quality of Web Services in Electronic Marketplaces. E-Services Journal, 7 (1), 43-59.

  8. Babu, R., Singh, Rahul, and Ganesh, J. (2010). Understanding blind Users' Web Accessibility and Usability problems. AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interaction, 2(3)

  9. Khanlarian, Cindi; Shough, Evan; and Singh, Rahul (2010). Student perceptions of web-based homework software: A longitudinal examination, Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Vol. 11, pp. 197-220.

  10. D'Auberterre, F., Singh, Rahul, & Iyer, L. (2008). Secure activity resource coordination: empirical evidence of enhanced security awareness in designing secure business processes. European Journal of Information Systems, 17 (5), 528-543.

  11. D’Aubeterre, F., Singh, Rahul, and Iyer, Lakshmi. (2008). A Semantic Approach to Secure Collaborative Inter-Organizational eBusiness Processes. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) Vol. 9, Issue 3/4, pp. 231-266. 2008

  12. D'Aubetere, F., Iyer, L. S. , Ehrhardt, R., & Singh, R. (2008). Semantic Knowledge representation for Discovery and Contract formation eBusiness Processes in a B2B eMarketplace. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies. 5(1)

  13. Singh, Rahul. An Intelligent Knowledge-based Multi-Agent Decision Support Architecture (IKMDSA): Using Agents and XML for Knowledge Representation and Exchange. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 3 (1), 2007 37-59.

  14. Singh, Rahul and Salam, A. F. "Semantic Information Assurance for Secure Distributed Knowledge Management: A Business Process Perspective" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - A, (3), May 2006 472-486

  15. Iyer, L. S., Singh, R., Salam, A. F. , & D'Aubeterre, F.. Knowledge Management for Government to Government Process Coordination. Electronic Government, An International Journal, 3 (1), 2006 18-35.

  16. Singh, Rahul, Iyer, L. S., and Salam, A. F., "The Semantic eBusiness Vision", Communications of the ACM, December 2005 Vol. 48, No. 12

  17. Thomas, M., Redmond, R. T., Yoon, V., and Singh, Rahul “A semantic approach to monitoring business process performance”, Communications of the ACM, December 2005 Vol. 48, No. 12

  18. Iyer, L. S., Singh, Rahul, A.F. Salam, and D’Aubertere, F. “Knowledge Management for Government to Government Process Coordination”, Electronic Government, An International Journal, 2006 Vol. 3. No. 1., pp. 18-35

  19. Singh, Rahul, Salam, A. F., and Iyer, L. S., “Agents in eSupply Chains”, Communications of the ACM, June 2005 Vol. 48 No. 6

  20. Iyer, L. S., Singh, Rahul, and A.F. Salam, "Collaboration and Knowledge Management in B2B eMarketplaces", Information Systems Management, Summer 2005 Vol. 22, no. 3. pp. 37-49

  21. Yoon, V., Broome, B. Singh, Rahul, and Guimaraes, T. “Why Agents: A More effective means of managing knowledge”, Information Resource Management Journal Apr-Jun 2005. Vol. 18, Issue 2 pp. 94-113.

  22. Salam, A. F., Iyer, L., Palvia, P., and Singh, Rahul “Trust in E-Commerce” Communications of the ACM, February 2005 Vol. 48, No. 2

  23. Singh, Rahul, Iyer, L. S., and Salam, A. F., “Semantic eBusiness”, International Journal of Semantic Web and Information Systems, Vol. 1 (1) Jan-March 2005, pp. 91-35 .

  24. Singh, Rahul, L.S. Iyer, and A.F. Salam, “Services for Knowledge Management In eMarketplaces”, e‑Service Journal. Vol. 3, Number 1 (Fall 2003) pp. 32-52.

  25. Singh, Rahul, Yoon, V., & Redmond, R. T., “Integrating Data Mining and On-line Analytical Processing for Intelligent Decision Systems”, Journal of Decision Systems, Vol. 11, No. 2, July 2002. pp. 185-204

  26. Singh, Rahul, Schneider, G. P., and Bruton C. M., "Key elements of Business Process Reengineering and Enterprise Resource Planning Software Implementation: A Comparison" Academy of Information and Management Science Journal. Vol. 5, No.1, 2002, pp. 57-64

  27. Singh, Rahul and Gilbreath Glen., "A Real Time Information System for Multivariate statistical process control", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 75. 2002. pp 161-172

  28. Weistroffer, H. R., Wooldridge, B., Singh, Rahul, A Multi-Criteria approach to Local Tax Planning, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. Vol. 33. 1999. pp. 301-315.

Recent and Selected Refereed Conference Proceedings:

From 50+ refereed conference proceedings … complete list available on request

  1. Heath, D., Singh R. and Ganesh, J. (2013), “Exploring Strategic Organizational Engagement in Social Media: A Revelatory Case”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 2013 (ICIS) conditional acceptance 7/3/2013

  2. Heath, D. and Singh, R., (2013), “Social Media at SocioSystems Inc.: A Socio-technical Systems Analysis of Strategic Action”, Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS)

  3. Heath, D. and Singh, R., (2013), “Approaching Strategic Misalignment from an Organizational View of Business Processes”, Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS)

  4. Heath, D., Singh R. and Ganesh, J. (2013), “Organizational Engagement in Social Media to Motivate Strategic Directed Action: A Revelatory Case”, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)

  5. Babu, R. and Singh, R. (2013) “Accessibility and Usability of Social Media: Convergence between Blind Users and Design Standards”, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)

  6. Khanlarian, C. & Singh, R. (2011) “Frustration in Online Learning”, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 3 – 7, 2013, Anaheim, CA

  7. Heath, D. and Singh, R., (2012), “Strategic Social Media Engagement”, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)

  8. Oakley, R. & Singh, R. (2011). Examining Ethical Decision Making Behavior in e-Learning Systems. AMCIS 2011.

  9. Babu, R. and Singh, R. (2010). Beyond Accessibility: A Cognitive Approach to Usability of Information & Communications Technology for the Visually Impaired. 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, August 6th-8th, Stavanger, Norway.

  10. Babu, R. , Singh, R., Ganesh, J. Thorvaldsen, K. and Fuglerud, K. S. (2010). Accessibility and Usability Problems in Web-Enhanced Instruction: Experience of Blind Students in Taking Online Assessment. 25th International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference, March 24th-27th, San Diego, CA, USA.

  11. Babu, R., Singh, R., Ganesh, J. and Padmanabhuni , S. (2009). Web Usability & Accessibility: An Industry-Academia Research Collaboration. 1st InfoSys' Technology Conference & Showcase (Aurora'09). October 19th-20th, Los Angeles, USA.

  12. Babu, R., and Singh, R. (2009). Evaluation of Web accessibility and usability from blind users’ perspective: The context of online assessment. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS’09) San Francisco, CA. USA.

  13. D’Aubeterre, F., Singh, R., Iyer, L. S. , & Ehrhardt, R. (2008). Secure Semantic Activity Resource Coordination. 3rd International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology. Best Paper Award

  14. D’Aubeterre, F., Singh, R., & Iyer, L. S. (2007). Designing Secure Business Processes through Secure Activity Resource Coordination (SARC). International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2007).

  15. Babu, R., Singh, R., Iyer, L. S. , & Midha, V. (2007). Differences in Factors Affecting Academic Success for Disabled Individuals in Technology-Mediated Learning Environments. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)

  16. Dai, H., Singh, R., & Iyer, L. S. (2007). Intention to Use Mobile Commerce: A Demographic Analysis of the Chinese Market. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007).

  17. Dai, H., Iyer, L., & Singh, R. (2007). An Investigation of Consumer's Security and Privacy Perceptions in Mobile Commerce. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007).

  18. D’Aubeterre, F., Singh, R., Iyer, L. S. , & Ehrhardt, R. (2007). Secure Integration of eBusiness Processes in the Extended-Enterprise. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007).

  19. Singh, R., D’Aubeterre, F., Iyer, L. S. , & Ehrhardt, R. (2007). Secure Semantic eBusiness Processes: A Design Theoretic Approach to Secure Semantic Systems. 2nd International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology. Runner up for the Best Paper Award

  20. Singh, R., Redmond, R. T. , & Yoon, V. (2006). Design Artifact to support Knowledge-Driven Predictive and Explanatory Decision Analytics. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2006).

  21. Iyer, L. S., Singh, R., Salam, A. F. , & D'Aubeterre, F. (2006). A Semantic Web Approach for e-Government Process Coordination. International Conference on E-Governance, New Delhi India.

  22. Salam, A.F., L.S. Iyer, P. Palvia, and Singh, Rahul. “Understanding Trust in Electronic Commerce Relationships,” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Nov. 2002.

  23. Singh, Rahul, L.S. Iyer, and A.F. Salam, “Agents and Web Services in an e-Supply Chain,” Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, August 2002.

  24. Schneider, G. P., Singh, Rahul, and Buckles, T. A., "Effects of Organizational Rigidity on Electronic Commerce Initiatives" Information Resources Management Association International Conference, May 2001

  25. Singh, Rahul and Reif, H. L., "A Comparison of enabling technologies to assist the virtual organization", Proceedings of the Americas International Association for Computer Information Systems, IACIS 2000, October 2000.

Refereed Book Chapters:

  1. Singh, Rahul. An Multi-Agent Decision Support Architecture for Knowledge Representation and Exchange. In M. Gordon Hunter (Editor) Selected Readings in Strategic Information Systems, Information Science Reference (IGI Global) Chapter XXIV, pp. 372-389, 2008.

  2. Leary, D. T., Salam, A., & Singh, R. (2006). Dynamic Matching of Supply and Demand in M-Commerce Services Marketplace Using Intelligent Agents and Semantic Technology. In B. Unhelkar (Ed.) Handbook of Research in Mobile Business: Technical, Methodological and Social Perspectives. Idea Group Publishing.

  3. A.F. Salam, L.S. Iyer, and Singh, Rahul, “An Intelligent Knowledge-based Multi-Agent Architecture for Collaboration in B2B e Marketplaces” Book Chapter in Business Intelligence in the Digital Economy: Opportunities, Limitations and Risks, Raisinghani, M. (Editor). IDEA Group Publishing, Hershey PA., 2004. Chapter V., pp. 76-97

  4. Singh, Rahul, Yoon, Y., and Redmond, R.T., " An Intelligent Support System integrating Data Mining and On-Line Analytical Processing" Book Chapter in Organizational Data Mining: Leveraging Enterprise Data Resources for Optimal Performance,Nemati, H. and Barko, C. (Editors) IRM Press, Hershey PA., 2004, pp. 141-150.

  5. Singh, Rahul and Gill, Mark A., “Using Intelligent Agents for Trust in Electronic Commerce”, Intelligent Support Systems Technology: Knowledge Management, edited by V. Sugumaran, IRM Press, Hershey PA., 2002, pp. 98-109.

  6. Singh, Rahul, "Intelligent Agents: Foundations, Applications and Future" book chapter in The Encyclopedia of Information Systems

  7. Weistroffer, H. R., Wooldridge, B., Singh, Rahul, “Local Tax Planning with AHP and Delphi”. In G. Fandel, T. Gal, and T. Hanne (editors): Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Lecture Notes in Economic and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 448. Springer-Verlag, 1997