Curriculum Vitae

I received my PhD in Psychology from the University of Kansas in 2001, and I've worked in the Department of Psychology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) since 2002. I was promoted to Full Professor in 2016 and am currently the Lucy Spinks Keker Excellence Professor. 


I've published 10-ish books, depending on how you count revised editions and short e-books:


I have been a PI or Co-Investigator on several grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Education, and the Imagination Institute.

Self-focused Attention and Cardiovascular Reactivity (NIH/NIMH)

Predicting Later Parent-Child Aggression in Expectant Parents: The Triple F Study (NIH/NICHD)

Examining Self-systems Therapy for Depression Using Experience Sampling (NIH/NIMH)

Executive Control and Schizotypy in the Lab and Daily Life (NIH/NIMH)

Brain Network Connectivity and Creative Thought (Imagination Institute)

Self-regulation in Creativity (Imagination Institute)

Assessing Parent-Child Aggression Risk Among Physical Child Abuse Perpetrators (NIH/NICHD)

Improving the Educational and Social Emotional Functioning of College Students with ADHD (Dept of Ed/IES)

Ambulatory Physiological Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (NIH/NIMH)

The Experience of Subjective Age during Everyday Life (NIH/NIA)