Cave Mode = Out of the Cave

I'm out of Cave Mode and back to the normal ebb and flow of things.

About Cave Mode

For the curious, when I'm in cave mode:

  • I decline most invitations to review manuscripts (unless I'm on the journal's Editorial Board)

  • I decline nearly all invitations to write for edited books, encyclopedias, newsletters, blogs, book reviews, and the like

  • I rarely travel for talks and workshops

  • I'm less likely to review grant proposals, book proposals, and P&T dossiers

  • I'm much slower than usual to get back to e-mail

  • My already pitiful social media presence (a neglected blog and Goodreads account) collapses

Please don't be offended if I'm slow to get back to you or if I decline something I would otherwise agree to do.

As for being slow with e-mail, we all should read and ponder Melissa Febos's classic essay "Do You Want to be Known for Your Writing, or For Your Swift Email Responses?"