
Research interests: Poisson, Dirac, and Jacobi Geometry, its symmetries and reductions. Lie groupoids and its intereaction with mathematical Physics


Yamid Yela, On reduction of Dirac-Jacobi structures 

Alexander Leguizamon, On moment maps and Jacobi structures (coadvisor Daniele Sepe) 

Ivan Orozco, Lagrangian submanifolds under special conditions of degenracy of symplectic structures

Olga Garatejo,  Estructuras duales en modelos estadisticos y productos warped


Interacciones de Geometría Diferencial y Física Matemática 

(Interactions between differential geometry and mathematical physics)

joint with prof. Carolina Neira (Dept. Mathematics),  prof. Leonardo Castañeda (OAN), prof. Juan Pablo Beltran (Dept. Physics) at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá and Ivan Contreras (Amherts College MA)

Un curioso video

Published papers

PhD Thesis

On Higher Poisson and Higher Dirac Structures, at IMPA under supervision of H. Bursztyn

Some talks: