

1. Classifying spaces and representations up to homotopy (with M. Crainic), Oberwolfach Reports 2007 No. 33, 1247-1251. pdf.

2. The Weil algebra and Van Est isomorphisms (with M. Crainic), Annales de l’institut Fourier, Vol. 61 no. 3 (2011), p. 927-970.pdf

3. Representations up to homotopy of Lie algebroids (with M. Crainic), Crelle, Vol 2012, 663, 91-126. pdf.

4. Deformations of Lie brackets and representations up to homotopy (with F. Schaetz), Indagationes Mathematicae, Vol 22 (2011). pdf.

5. Representations to homotopy of groupoids and the Bott spectral sequence (with M. Crainic), Adv. Math., Vol 248 pdf.

6. Tensor products of representations up to homotopy (with M. Crainic and B. Dherin), Homotopy and Rel. Struc, Vol. 6 (2011) pdf.

7. The A∞ de Rham theorem and integration of representations up to homotopy (with F. Schaetz), IMRN. pdf .

8. Reidemeister torsion for flat superconnections, (with F. Schaetz), J. Homotopy Relat. Struct., Vol. 9, No. 2 (2014), 579 - 60. pdf.

9. Holonomies for connections with values in L∞-algebras, (with F. Schaetz), Homology, Homotopy and Appl., Vol 16 (1), 2. pdf.

10. Introduction to representations of Braid groups, arXiv:1404.0724, Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, 2015 ,pdf. .

11. Higher holonomies: comparing two constructions, (with F. Schaetz), arXiv:1404.0729, Differential Geom and appl.,2015. pdf

12. On the equivariant de-Rham cohomology for non-compact Lie groups, (with B. Uribe), Diff. Geom. and appl., 2015, pdf.

13. Flat Z graded connections and loop spaces (with F. Schaetz), IMRN, 2016. pdf.

14. Lectures on the Euler Characteristic of affine manifolds (with S. Vélez). Algebraic, topological and geometric method in quantum field theory, to appear. pdf

15. An A-infinity version of the Poincare Lemma (with A. Quintero, S. Vélez), Pacific Journal of Mathematics, to appear. pdf.

16. Singular chains on Lie on Lie groups and the Cartan relations I, Mathematische Annalen, to appear, pdf.

17. Singular chains on Lie groups and the Cartan relations II, (with A. Quintero), submitted for publication. pdf.

18. The Riemann Hilbert Correspondence and principal 2-bundles ,(with S. Vélez), Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, to appear. pdf .

19. Chern-Weil theory for infinity local systems, (with S. Pineda and A. Quintero), submitted for publication. pdf

20. Relativity, (with J.D. Vélez and A. Quintero), preliminary version, pdf.


Representations up to homotopy and cohomology of classifying spaces, Ph.D Thesis, Utrecht 2008. pdf.

Notas de clase

Some lectures on flat connections, CIMPA School.pdf

Geometría y Topología Diferencial. pdf.

Grupos y álgebras de Lie pdf