David “Max” Schemling (1955-2020): Always In Our Hearts

In the video below, our principal investigator Dr. Henry H. Balfour Jr. pays tribute to Max and shares memories from their decades of friendship.

Max was a mentor to many students at during his time at our research lab teaching them patiently and leading by example. He truly enjoyed his work throughout the years and made many life-long friends. Max's memory continues to live on with his friends and family.

David "Max" Schmeling, our close colleague and friend, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, July 7th, 2020.

Max worked the Mono Project for the past 18 years as a lab technologist. Prior to that he worked in the following labs: Virology, Main Hospital Lab, HLA Tissue Typing, Outpatient, Cytogenetics and Microbiology. In total, Max dedicated over 30 years to advancing scientific research at the University of Minnesota.