Please note: Not all presenters have chosen to make their video available. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Reproduction Workshop: The genetics x environment interaction of sow lifetime productivity

Geeks to Geeks Workshop: Analytical tools to support pre- and post-outbreak actions to mitigate the impacts of an African swine fever outbreak

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Carlos Pijoan SDEC symposium - Biosecurity and biocontainment in finishing pigs: An untapped resource to advance disease control?

Clinical Cases and Problem-Solving Skills by DVM Students

Research Highlights

Navigating pork’s sustainability challenge for clients, customers & more 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Keynote Presentations

Breakout Sessions; 10:30-12:00

New information to fine-tune Mycoplasma control and eradication programs 

VDL diagnostic cases

Advances and investments in biosecurity programs

Emerging science of the swine worker microbiome

Proposition 12, twelve months later 

Breakout Sessions; 1:30-3:00

Post weaning E. coli

Actionable monitoring of ASF, PRRS, and other diseases – How to stay up-to-date on what’s happening at-home and abroad

Disease mitigation practices: from industry standards to enhanced recomendations to targeted biosecurity practices

Survivability, stewardship, and success

Sow livability

Breakout Sessions; 3:30-5:00

Practical vaccinology - PRRS/flu

Welfare considerations during a disease outbreak response

Chemical mitigation in feed

Helping labor with innovation and community programs

Supply chain shortages

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Keynote Presentations

Breakout Sessions; 10:30-12:00


FAD industry disease preparedness plans 

Social licensing and the swine industry 

Birth to market livability 

Wrap-Up Session; 12:10-1:00