
Courses Taught at the University of Minnesota

Undergraduate Courses

  • Bible: Context and Interpretation: CNES 1201/3201, JSWT1201/3201, RELS1201/3201

  • Death and Afterlife in the Ancient World: CNES3535, RELS3535

  • Women, Gender, and the Hebrew Bible: CNES 3205, JSWT 3205 RELS 3205

  • Intermediate Biblical Hebrew II: HEBR 3102 and HEBR 4107

  • Prophecy in Ancient Israel: CNES 3202, JSWT3202, RELS3202

Graduate Courses

  • Metaphor and Gender (Ancient Mediterranean Religion) CNES 8530

  • Bible and Narrative (Ancient Mediterranean Religion) CNES 8530

Courses Taught at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society

Graduate Courses

    • Old Testament Theology

    • Old Testament Narratives

    • Gender Perspectives on the Bible

    • God and God-Language in Isaiah 40-55

    • Old Testament Intermediate Level: Method, Hermeneutics, and Prophetic Literature

Interdisciplinary Courses on Graduate Level, Taught with Colleagues from Other Fields:

    • General Theory of Science and Research Ethics (PhD course)

    • From Text to Sermon: Hermeneutics and Preaching

    • Sex, Gender, and Body

Undergraduate Courses

    • Bible Studies ( Introduction to the Old Testament)

    • Bible Studies II (Second part of Introduction to the Old Testament.)

    • Old Testament Intermediate Level