Item Type Options

GiglOptionSetting :=

| <empty>

| '<' GiglOptionStmtList '>'

GiglOptionStmtList :=

| <empty>

| GiglOptionStmtList ';'

| GiglOptionStmtList 'enable' GiglOptionTermList

| GiglOptionStmtList 'disable' GiglOptionTermList

GiglOptionTermList :=

| GiglOptionTerm

| GiglOptionTermList ',' GiglOptionTerm

GiglOptionTerm :=

| 'parent_ref'

| 'auto_prob_noneg'

| 'auto_prob_norm'

These sets of productions starting from the nonterminal GiglOptionSetting, which are used options for an item type. Currently only options supported are 'parent_ref', 'auto_prob_noneg' and 'auto_prob_norm'. These options can be enabled or disabled with the corresponding keywords, which constitute an option statement. In each such statement one or more options can be listed for enabling or disabling, separated with ','s, and different statements can be optionally separated/terminated with one or more ';'s (whitespace will work otherwise). The whole item option setting section is wrapped in '<' and '>' (unless it is empty).

'parent_ref' allows referring to the parent node in a functional node attribute when enabled, default mode is disabled.

'auto_prob_noneg' automatically eliminates negative rule probabilities when enabled, default mode is enabled.

'auto_prob_norm' automatically normalizes rule probabilities when enabled, default mode is enabled.

Discussions and nuances about item type options can be seen here.