Item Type Options

GIGL allows setting options associated to an item type, they are either used for runtime optimization, or just for the convenience of coding. The item type options can be adjusted with enable or disable statements wrapped in < and >, after the : symbol after declaring the item type name (and after the declaration of item level configure parameters). And example can be seen in the Dungeon demo as < disable auto_prob_noneg >, which disables the default correction of negative rule probabilities, for runtime optimization purposes. Currently, only three options has been implemented, parent_ref, auto_prob_noneg, and auto_prob_norm. The syntax for setting(adjusting) item type options can be found at [Here].

  • 'parent_ref' allows referring to the parent node from any node in the item tree when enabled, default mode is disabled. The parent node of the root node is a null pointer.

  • 'auto_prob_noneg' automatically eliminates negative rule probabilities (set them to zeros) when enabled, default mode is enabled. When enabled, it is executed before the stochastic selection process (see the figure at [Here]) and after the pre-selection step if any, and before the auto-normalization if any.

    • 'auto_prob_norm' automatically normalizes rule probabilities when enabled, default mode is enabled. When enabled, it is executed before the stochastic selection process (see the figure at [Here]) and after the pre-selection step if any, and after the auto-negative-probability-correction if any.