Our Team

Principal Investigator

Liuyan Zhao

PhD: Columbia University

Postdoc: California Institute of Technology

Office: West Hall 255

E-mail: lyzhao@umich.edu

Postdoctoral Scholars

Youngjun Ahn

PhD: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: yoahn@umich.edu

Interest: topological magnetism

Zeliang Sun

PhD: University of Science and Technology of China

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: zlsun@umich.edu

Interest: topological materials | moiré electronics

Suhan Son

PhD: Seoul National University

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: suhanson@umich.edu 

Interest: 2D magnetism | moiré magnetism

Chuangtang Wang

PhD: Northeastern University

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: wangct@umich.edu    

Interest: 2D magnetism | moiré magnetism | kagome systems

Graduate Students

Xiangpeng Luo

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: xpluo@umich.edu

Interest: multipolar order | 2D magnetism | moire magnetism | developing ultrafast nonlinear optics with high sensitivity to small changes of small signals

Xiaoyu Guo

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: guoxy@umich.edu 

Interest: 2D magnetism | developing nonlinear optical microscopy with high sensitivity to spatial variations of small signals

June Ho Yeo

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: junehoy@umich.edu  

Interest: chiral twisted multilayer 

Weizhe Zhang

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: weizhezh@umich.edu  

Interest: domain walls in correlated and/or topological systems 

Kin To (Kingsley) Wong

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: ktwongae@umich.edu  

Interest: TBD 

Tianyi (Oliver) Wang

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: oliverty@umich.edu  

Interest: TDB 

Undergraduate Students

Andrew Smedley

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: smedleya@umich.edu

Interest: building and improving photoluminescence and absorption spectroscopy

Yufeng Cui

Office: West Hall 243

E-mail: davecui@umich.edu 

Interest: 2D materials fabrication


Postdoctoral Scholar

Prof. Wencan Jin Assistant Professor, Physics at Auburn University

Prof. Hongchao Xie Assistant Professor, Physics at Southern University of Science and Technology

PhD students

Dr. Elizabeth Drueke Delta Solutions and Strategies, LLC

Dr. Rachel Owen KLA Corporation

Dr. Siwen Li KLA Corporation

Visiting Scholars

Daiki Sekine                 Tohoku University

Undergraduate students

Laura Zichi graduate student, Harvard University

Ashley Wang undergraduate student, University of Michigan

Alex Landry (REU) undergraduate student, Linfield University

Austin Kaczmarek graduate student, Cornell University

Qianxu Wang undergraduate, University of Michigan

Shannon Gray (REU) undergraduate student, Colby College

Ian Blackman-Staves undergraduate, University of Michigan

Zhibo Kang graduate student, Yale University

Samia Sabir (REU) undergraduate student, Tulane University

Yuanhao Meng undergraduate student, University of Michigan

Daniel J. Imoehl (REU) undergraduate student, Central College

Lauren E. Weinberg undergraduate student, University of Michigan

Matthew Zeilbeck undergraduate student, University of Michigan

Junxu Li graduate student, Purdue University

Zijia Cheng graduate student, Princeton University

Yanyu Jia graduate student, Princeton University

Daoheng Niu undergraduate student, University of Michigan

Shibing Zhou undergraduate student, University of Michigan