
63. Lopez R, Marzban B, Gao X, Lauinger E, Van den Bergh F, Whitesall SE, Converso-Baran K, Burant CF, Michele DE, Beard DA. Impaired Myocardial Energetics Causes Mechanical Dysfunction in Decompensated Failing Hearts, Function, 2020 zqaa018,

62. Gu F, Randall EB, Whitesall S, Converso-Baran K, Carlson BE, Fink GD, Michele DE, Beard DA. Potential role of intermittent functioning of baroreflexes in the etiology of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats. JCI Insight. 2020 Oct 2;5(19):139789.

61. McDade JR, Naylor MT, Michele DE. Sarcolemma wounding activates dynamin-dependent endocytosis in striated muscle. FEBS Journal. 2020 Sep 7. Epub ahead of print.

60. Garbincius JF, Merz LE, Cuttitta AJ, Bayne KV, Schrade S, Armstead EA, Converso-Baran KL, Whitesall SE, D'Alecy LG, Michele DE. Enhanced dimethylarginine degradation improves coronary flow reserve and exercise tolerance in Duchenne muscular dystrophy carrier mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020 Sep 1;319(3):H582-H603.

59. Evers SS, Kim KS, Bozadjieva N, Lewis AG, Farris D, Sorensen MJ, Kim Y, Whitesall SE, Kennedy RT, Michele DE, Seeley RJ, Sandoval DA. Continuous glucose monitoring reveals glycemic variability and hypoglycemia after vertical sleeve gastrectomy in rats. Mol Metab. 2020 Feb;32:148-159.

58. Schwartz AJ, Converso-Baran K, Michele DE, Shah YM. A genetic mouse model of severe iron deficiency anemia reveals tissue-specific transcriptional stress responses and cardiac remodeling. J Biol Chem. 2019 Oct 11;294(41):14991-15002.

57. Eisen B, Ben Jehuda R, Cuttitta AJ, Mekies LN, Shemer Y, Baskin P, Reiter I,Willi L, Freimark D, Gherghiceanu M, Monserrat L, Scherr M, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Arad M, Michele DE*, Binah O*. Electrophysiological abnormalities in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes generated from Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. J Cell Mol Med. 2019 Mar;23(3):2125-2135. *co-corresponding authors

56. Buras ED, Converso-Baran K, Davis CS, Akama T, Hikage F, Michele DE, Brooks SV, Chun TH. Fibro-Adipogenic Remodeling of the Diaphragm in Obesity-Associated Respiratory Dysfunction. Diabetes. 2019 Jan;68(1):45-56.

55. Eisen B, Ben Jehuda R, Cuttitta AJ, Mekies LN, Reiter I, Ramchandren S, Arad M, Michele DE*, Binah O*. Generation of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cell line lacking exons 45-50 of the dystrophin gene (IITi001-A). Stem Cell Res. 2018 May;29:111-114. *co-corresponding authors

54: Sahinoz M, Khairi S, Cuttitta A, Brady GF, Rupani A, Meral R, Tayeh MK, Thomas P, Riebschleger M, Camelo-Piragua S, Innis JW, Bishr Omary M, Michele DE, Oral EA. Potential association of LMNA-associated generalized lipodystrophy with juvenile dermatomyositis. Clin Diabetes Endocrinol. 2018 Mar 27;4:6.

53. Hansen BC, Gografe S, Pritt S, Jen KC, McWhirter CA, Barman SM, Comuzzie A, Greene M, McNulty JA, Michele DE, Moaddab N, Nelson RJ, Norris K, Uray KD, Banks R, Westlund KN, Yates BJ, Silverman J, Hansen KD, Redman B. Ensuring due process in the IACUC and animal welfare setting: considerations in developing noncompliance policies and procedures for institutional animal care and use committees and institutional officials. FASEB J. 2017 Oct;31(10):4216-4225.

52. Campbell MD, Witcher M, Gopal, A, Michele DE. Dilated cardiomyopathy mutations in δ-sarcoglycan exert a dominant-negative effect on cardiac myocyte mechanical stability. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology 310(9): H1140-H1150, 2016.

51. Kim EH, Galchev VI, Kim JY, Misek SA, Stevensen TK, Campbell MD, Pagani FD, Day SM, Johnson TC, Washburn JG, Vikstrom KL, Misek DE, Michele DE, Westfall MV. Differential Protein Expression and Basement Membrane Remodeling in Ischemic Human Heart Failure, Proteomics Clinical Application, Proteomics Clin Appl. 10(5): 585-96, 2016.

50. Garbincius JF and Michele DE. Dystrophin-glycoprotein complex regulates muscle nitric oxide production through mechanoregulation of AMPK signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 112(44): 13663-8, 2015.

49. Homa LD, Burger LL, Archambeau-Cuttitta AJ, Michele DE, Moenter SM. Voluntary exercise improves estrous cyclicity in prenatally-androgenized mice despite programming decreased voluntary exercise: Implications for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Endocrinology, 156(12):4618-28, 2015.

48. McCarthy MK, Procario MC, Twisselmann N, Wilkinson JE, Archambeau AJ, Michele DE, Day SM, Weinberg JB. Proinflammatory events of interferon gamma in mouse adenovirus myocarditis. J. Virol, 89:468-479, 2015.

47. McDade JR, Archambeau A, Michele DE. Rapid actin cytoskeleton dependent membrane recruitment of plasma membrane derived dysferlin at wounds is critical for muscle membrane repair. FASEB J. 28: 3660-70, 2014.

46. Raeker MÖ, Shavit JA, Dowling JJ, Michele DE, Russell MW. Membrane-myofibril cross-talk in myofibrillogenesis and in muscular dystrophy pathogenesis: lessons from the zebrafish. Front Physiol. 2014 Jan 28;5:14.

45. Reifler A, Li L, Archambeau A, McDade JR, Michele DE, Dowling JJ. Conditional knockout of PIK3C3 causes a murine muscular dystrophy. Am J Path, 184(6):1819-30, 2014.

44. McDade JR and Michele DE. Membrane damage induced vesicle-vesicle fusion of dysferlin containing vesicles in muscle cells requires microtubules and kinesin. Hum Mol Genetics 23(7):1677-86, 2014.

43. Cirak S, Foley AR, Herrmann R, Willer T, Yau S, Stevens E, Torelli S, Brodd L, Kamynina A, Vondracek P, Roper H, Longman C, Korinthenberg R, Marrosu G, Nürnberg P; UK10K Consortium, Michele DE, Plagnol V, Hurles M, Moore SA, Sewry CA, Campbell KP, Voit T, Muntoni F. ISPD gene mutations are a common cause of congenital and limb-girdle muscular dystrophies. Brain. Jan;136(Pt 1):269-81, 2013 .

42 Gumerson JD, Davis C, Kabaeva ZT, Hayes JM, Brooks SV, Michele DE. Muscle-specific expression of LARGE restores neuromuscular transmission deficits in dystrophic LARGEmyd mice. Hum Mol Genetics. 2013; 15: 757-768. PMCID: 3554202

41. Gumerson JD, Michele DE. The dystrophin-glycoprotein complex in the prevention of muscle damage. J. Biomed Biotech, 2011: 210797. PMCID: In process, Free PMC Article

40. Kabaeva Z, Meehof K, Michele DE. Sarcolemma instability during mechanical activity in Largemyd cardiac myocytes with loss of dystroglycan extracellular matrix receptor function. Hum Mol Genetics 20:3346-3355, 2011. PMCID: 3153301

39. Labelle-Dumais C, Dilworth DJ, Harrington EP, de Leau L, Lyons D, Kabeava Z, Manzini MC, Dobyns WB, Walsh CA, Michele DE, Gould DB. COL4A1 mutations cause ocular dysgenesis, neuronal localization defects and myopathy in mice and Walker Warburg syndrome in humans. PLOS Genetics 2011, 7:e1002062. PMCID: 3098190.

38. Dylla DE, Xie L, Michele DE, Kunz S and McCray Jr, PB. Altering alpha-dystroglycan receptor affinity of LCMV pseudotyped lentivirus yields unique cell and tissue tropism. Genetics Vaccine and Therapy. 9:8; 1-13, 2011.

37. Ramaswamy KS, Palmer ML , vanderMeulen JM, Renoux A, Kostrominova TY, MicheleDE* , Faulkner JA*. Lateral transmission of force is impaired in skeletal muscles of dystrophic mice and very old rats. Journal of Physiology. 589: 1195-208, 2011 *co-corresponding authors.

36. Gumerson JD, Davis C, Faulkner JA, Michele DE. Protection from contraction induced injury in slow twitch muscle with disruption of dystroglycan function. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 299:C1430-40, 2010.

35. Mathews KD, Stephan CA, Laubenthal K, Winder TL, Michele DE, Moore SA, Campbell KP. Myoglobinuria and muscle pain are common in patients with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2I. Neurology. 76:194-7, 2011.

34. Salazar JJ, Michele DE, Brooks SV. Inhibition of calpain prevents muscle weakness and disruption of sarcomere structure during hindlimb suspension. J Appl Physiol. 108:120-1277, 2010.

33. Suzuki N, Yoshimura T, Urushibata S , Gumerson JD, Michele DE, Hoffman MP, Kikkawa Y, Hozumi K, Yamada Y, and Motoyoshi Nomizu. a-Dystroglycan Binding: Identification of Sequences in the Laminin-a2 Chain LG4-5 Module. Matrix Biology 29:143-151, 2010.

32. Michele DE*, Kabaeva Z, Davis SL, Weiss RM, Campbell KP. Dystroglycan matrix receptor function in cardiac myocytes is important in limiting activity induced myocardial damage. Circulation Research 105:984-993, 2009. *Corresponding Author. Featured on Cover.

31. Han R, Kanagawa M, Yoshida-Moriguchi T, Rader EP, Ng RA, Michele DE, Muirhead D, Kunz S, Moore SA, Iannaccone S, Miyake K, McNeil PL, Mayer R, Oldstone MBA, Faulkner JA, Campbell KP. Basal lamina strengthens cell membrane integrity via the laminin G domain-binding motif of alpha-dystroglycan. PNAS 106:12573-9, 2009.

30. Dylla DE, Michele DE, Campbell KP, McCray PB Jr. Basolateral Entry and Release of New and Old World Arenaviruses from Human Airway Epithelia. J Virol. 82:6034-8, 2008.

29. Kabaeva Z, Zhao M, Michele DE.Blebbistatin extends culture life of adult mouse cardiac myocytes and allows efficient and stable transgene expression. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 294:H1667-H1674, 2008.

28. Moore SD, Shilling CJ, Westra S, Wall C, Wicklund MD, Stolle C, Brown CA, Michele DE, Piccolo F, Winder TL, Stence A, Barresi R, King N, King W, Florence J, Campbell KP, Fenichel GM, Stedman HH, Kissel JT, Griggs RC, Pandya S, Mathews KD, Pestronk A, Serrano C, Darvish D, Mendel JR. Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy in the USA. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 65:995-1003, 2006.

27. Bhosle RC, Michele DE, Campbell KP, Li Z, Robson RM. Interactions of intermediate filament protein synemin with dystrophin and utrophin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 346:768-777, 2006.

26. Kanagawa M, Michele DE, Satz JS, Barresi R, Kusano H, Cohn RD, Sasaki T, Timpl R, Henry MD, Campbell KP. Disruption of perlecan binding and matrix assembly by post-translational or genetic disruption of dystroglycan function. FEBS Letters 579:4792-4796, 2005.

25. Yasuda S*, Townsend D*, Michele DE, Favre EG, Day SM, Metzger JM. Dystrophic heart failure blocked by membrane sealant poloxamer. Nature 436:1025-9, 2005.*co-first authors

24. Michele DE, Szatkowski ML, Albayya FP, Metzger JM. Parvalbumin gene delivery improves diastolic function in the aged myocardium. Molecular Therapy. 10:399-403, 2004.

23. Kanagawa M*, Saito F*, Kunz S, Yoshida-Moriguchi T, Barresi R, Muschler J, Michele DE, Oldstone MBA, Campbell KP. Molecular recognition by LARGE required for dystroglycan-dependent basement membrane interactions. Cell 117:953-964, 2004.

22. Barresi R, Michele DE, Kanagawa M, Harper HA, Dovico SA, Satz JS, Moore SA, Dumanski JP, Schachter H, Cohn RD, Nishino I, Campbell, KP. LARGE functionally bypasses a-dystroglycan glycosylation defects in congenital muscular dystrophies. Nature Medicine 10:697-703, 2004.

21. Kim DS, Hayashi YK, Matsumoto H, Ogawa M, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Mochizuki M, Michele DE, Campbell KP, Nonaka I, Nishino I. Abnormal glycosylation of alpha dystroglycan due to POMT1 gene mutation in a Japanese patient with Walker-Warburg Syndrome. Neurology 62:1009-11, 2004.

20. Durbeej M, Sawatzki SM, Barresi R, Schmainda KM, Allamand V, Michele DE, and Campbell KP. Gene transfer establishes primacy of striated versus smooth muscle sarcoglycan complex in limb girdle muscular dystrophy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 100:8910-8915, 2003.

19. Michele DE and Campbell KP. Dystrophin-glycoprotein complex: Post-translational processing and dystroglycan function. J. Biol. Chem. 278:15457-15460, 2003.

18. Metzger JM, Michele DE, Rust EM, Borton AR, Westfall MV. Sarcomere thin filament regulatory isoforms: evidence of a dominant effect of slow skeletal troponin I on cardiac contraction. J. Biol. Chem. 278:13118-13123. 2003.

17. Cohn RD*, Henry MD*, Michele DE, Barresi R, Saito F, Moore SA, Flanagan J, Skwarchuk MW, Robbins ME, Williamson R, Campbell KP. Disruption of DAG1 in differentiated skeletal muscle reveals a role for dystroglycan in muscle regeneration. Cell 110:639-648, 2002.

16. Michele DE, Barresi R, Kanagawa M, Saito F, Cohn RD, Satz JS, Dollar J, Nishino I, Kelley RI, Somer H, Straub V, Mathews KD, Moore SA, and Campbell KP. Post-translational disruption of dystroglycan-ligand interactions in congenital muscular dystrophies. Nature 418:417-422, 2002.

15. Moore SA, Saito F, Chen J, Michele DE, Henry MD, Messing A, Cohn RD, Ross-Barta SE, Westra S, Williamson RA, Hoshi T, Campbell KP. Deletion of brain dystroglycan recapitulates aspects of congenital muscular dystrophy. Nature 418:422-425, 2002

14. Michele DE, Gomez CA., Hong KE, Westfall MV, Metzger JM. Cardiac dysfunction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutant tropomyosin mice is transgene-dependent, hypertrophy-independent, and improved by beta-blockade. Circ. Res. 91:255-262, 2002.

13. Michele DE, Coutu P, and Metzger JM. Divergent abnormal muscle relaxation by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and nemaline myopathy mutant tropomyosin. Physiol. Genomics 9:103-111, 2002.

12. Szatkowski ML, Westfall MV, Gomez CA, Wahr PA, Michele DE, DelloRusso C, Turner II, Hong KE, Albayya FP, and Metzger JM. In vivo acceleration of heart relaxation performance by parvalbumin gene delivery. J. Clin. Invest. 107:191-198, 2001.

11. Michele DE and Metzger JM. Contractile dysfunction in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: elucidating primary defects by gene transfer. Trends Cardiovasc. Med. 10:177-182, 2000 (Invited review).

10. Michele DE and Metzger JM. Physiological consequences of tropomyosin mutations associated with cardiac and skeletal myopathies. J. Mol. Med. 78: 543-553, 2000 (Invited review).

9. Wahr PA, Michele DE, Metzger JM. The effects of aging on intact cardiac myocyte function in Fisher344xBN rats. Am. J. Physiol. 279: H559-H565, 2000.

8. Michele DE, Albayya FP, Metzger JM. A nemaline myopathy mutation in a-tropomyosin causes defective regulation of striated muscle force production. J. Clin. Invest. 104:1575-1581, 1999.

7. Michele DE, Albayya FP, Metzger JM. Direct, convergent hypersensitivity of Ca2+ activated force generation produced by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutant tropomyosins in adult cardiac myocytes. Nature Medicine 5:1413-1417, 1999.

6. Wahr PA, Michele DE, Metzger JM. Parvalbumin gene transfer corrects diastolic dysfunction in diseased cardiac myocytes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96:11982-11985, 1999.

5. Michele DE, Albayya FP, Metzger JM. Thin filament protein dynamics in fully differentiated adult cardiac myocytes: Toward a model of sarcomere maintenance. J. Cell Biol. 145:1483-1495, 1999.

4. Metzger JM, Wahr PA, Michele DE, Albayya F, Westfall MV. Effects of myosin heavy chain isoform switching on Ca2+-activated tension development in single adult cardiac myocytes. Circ. Res. 84:1310-1317, 1999.

3. Yang T, Michele DE, Park J, Smart AM, Lin Z., Brosius III FC, Schnermann JB, Briggs JP. Expression of peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptors and retinoid X receptors in the kidney. Am. J. Physiol. 277: F966-F973, 1999.

2. Michele DE, Thomsen D, Louters LL. Vanadates form insoluble complexes with histones. Biochimie 79:457-462, 1997.

1. Louters LL, Michele DE, Pearson JD. Histone H4 stimulates glucose transport through the insulin receptor. Biochimie 78:39-45, 1996.